Chapter 25

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Alli had no idea, I was coming to visit her. It was Aditi, who told me that she was not keeping up. Well, now Alli had rented out an apartment in Boston and was staying there. Aditi would mostly be in London but she had to travel a lot, so whenever she was in The States she and Alli would catch up.

I haven't exactly seen Alli from the past 3 months and if Aditi has realized that she's not doing great, there has got to be some reason behind it and that's why I am standing outside her apartment right now.

I insert the key and walk in to see Alli sitting on the couch while watching The Big Bang Theory and a glass of wine. Now, I know she likes wine but its just 5 in the evening. Isn't it a bit too early for drinks?

"Al?" I call out and she turns at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She questions me while tackling me into a hug.

"I thought I'd come see you. I missed you." I tell her and she smiles.

"I missed you too."

"Al, why were you avoiding me and Aditi?" 

"What do you want for dinner?" She asks me while entering the kitchen and I shake my head.

"Alisha Jadhav you better answer my question." I tell her.

"Will spaghetti do?" She calls out.

"Alisha, babe what's going on?" I ask as I stood with my arms crossed in front of her.

"Nothing. Absolutely, nothing." She answers back. I take her hand and make her sit on the couch.

"Now, can you tell me what the fuck is going on?" I question her and she breaks down in front of me.

"What, What happened? Is everything okay?" I ask as she softly cries in my chest.

"Nothing is alright."

"What happened? Can you tell me?"

"The local publishing house that I worked at, went out of business 6 months ago and ever since then I have been trying to get a new job. I must have given over 20 interviews and I got rejected from all of them. Like literally, all of them. 

"Not even one of them, accepted me. So from the past couple of months I've been working at a nearby bistro but I don't get enough cash there. So if I don't get a proper job by the end of this month. I'll be broke af."

"Al, why didn't you tell me about this. I could have helped you out with all this." I state and she looks up at me.

"That's the thing. I don't want help." She states.

"Al, there's nothing wrong with tak-"

"That's the thing, I don't want to be one of those girls who are taking money from their boyfriend. I don't like the fact that you spend too much of money onto me."

"Okay, okay. I get it. I get it. So if we think about this from your perspective, what are your plans?"

"My plan is that, to wait till my birthday. I applied to Puffin publications and I'll be hearing from them by my birthday."

"Not to be a pessimistic bitch or anything but what if this doesn't work out?"

"Then I leave."

"Wait, what? You just leave? You give up all that you've worked for?You're an author Al, you can't just give up like that."

"Shubman Gill, I am a 24 year old wattpad author. There's a huge difference. I am turning 25 in less than 2 weeks. I might as well, grant your wish."

"What wish?"

"Me coming back to India."

"If coming back to India, is a way of you taking a break, then I am all up for it."

"Actually, not as a break, more like forever."



"What about all that you have worked for?" She just shrugs.

"Shubman, listen to me. We have been in a long distance relationship since I was, what 18. Now is the time I come back home with you. Maybe roam with you at late nights in Mohali or get drunk in Mumbai. Point is, I want to be with you. I miss you guys so much. Abhay, Carissa, Simran, my parents, my sister, Kedy, everyone but most of all, its you. I miss you the most."

"This is the alcohol taking Al. What if Puffin accepts you? What are  you going to do then?"

"I have applied for the Indian branch." She says with a ghost smile and I can't help but chuckle at her.

"So is this your final decision?" She nods at me.

"Then, I am supporting you, no matter what." I tell her and she pecks my lips.

"What's with the new nickname though?" She questions me.

"Everyone calls you Alli. So I came up with something new."

"You watched an Al Pacino movie, didnt you?"

"Yeah, I did." She laughs and that's the Alli, I had been dying to see

"God, I love you so much." She says.

"I love you too."


Hey guys!!

Hope you'll like this update and I promise you that there's a huge surprise coming up in the next chapter. So lookout for the next update!

Also dont forget to vote and comment down below!!

Until next time!
Adios Amigos!!

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