Chapter 21

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"What? What did you just say?" I ask and turn around facing her.

"I said that I am in love with you." She states and a tear falls down her eye. She wipes it off quickly and continues "I was in love with you from the past three months. In fact I always have been since the first time I saw you playing for KKR. The first time I read a fanfiction on you. The first time I wrote a fanfiction on you. You have no abso-fucking-lutely idea of what you mean to me. You mean more to me than anyone else does. I know I fucked up real bad and I know it's an act of cowardice to blame my mistakes on the alcohol but on the other hand when I woke up the next day and realised that I kissed Daniel it was hell for me. And at that moment I realised that there's no other guy that I'd rather kiss in my entire life than you. You mean to me so fuckin' much. I love you to tartarus and back." At that moment she breaks down and falls down her knees onto the floor.

I know Alisha really well and if she's saying that she loves me to tartarus and back she means it. I guess what people say is right 'when you love someone you need to learn to love them despite of their flaws.'

I walk over to where she's crying and wrap my arms around her small frame. She hugs me back and cries in my arms.

"I'm so sorry, so fuckin' sorry." She says and cries more. I gently pat her.

"Hey, it's okay. I forgive you." She looks up from my embrace and stares at me.

"What?" I ask her.

"What have I done to deserve you? 'Cause I definitely don't deserve you. Guess, Poseidon has really blessed me." I chuckle at her reference. No matter what the situation is she'll always be quoting PJO.

"I am sorry and I promise to never do that again."

I slowly caress her cheek and gently rub my thumb against it.

"I forgive you Alisha. I get it but I want you to be more careful the next time you handle alcohol." She immediately nods and I break a smile at her.

"Now let me just tell you that Abhishek and Simran are finally together." Her face immediately lit up and her eyes widen.

"Holy Hephaesteus! This is amazing. I can't believe that asshole didn't call me up to give this news. He's definitely going to get it from me." She says.

"That's 'cause they're coming days after to surprise you and that all four of us are going on a date. It's more like a double date though."

"It is called a double date and I really want to make it up to you. So how about I treat you to some food made by me and then we go sight seeing?" She suggests with a smile playing on her face.

"Of course, let's do this. By the way when did you learn to cook?"

"Okay I'm not some expert who knows all the dishes but just a few things here and there that I learnt in the break when my boards got over." I chuckle at her.

"I'll text Aditi letting her know things are cool between us and also that we're going out." I state and pull out my phone to text Aditi.

"We are?"

"Yeah. Let's go do one of those cliché date things we couldn't do in India because of the paps."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Catch a cliché romantic comedy movie and have dinner in a restaurant." I casually state.

"I'm so in." She says like a 5 year old excited kid.

"Then let's going." She turns to grab her coat and I open the door for her while saying "And for the record I love you too."

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Also this chapter is dedicated to Anaghaventrapragada  for commenting and encouraging me! Thanks a ton!

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