Chapter 31

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"Shubman, can you just get ready please? What the hell are you even doing?" I ask him and walk into my room to grab my earrings.

"Alli, 5 minutes please! This interview is way too interesting." He yells from the living room.

"Who's interview are you even watching?" I yell back.

"Yours, with the cast of Avengers, interviewed by Jimmy." I roll my eyes and walk in the living room.

"Oh, you're watching the one by Jimmy Kimmel, I thought Jimmy Fallon and I can tell you very well about what happened. Now just lift your ass off the couch we have a gender reveal party to attend." I say and he whines like a kid. Not that he doesn't want to attend the party or something but he just likes to tease me over how I fangirl about Chris Evans and Tom Hiddleston.

After a lot of efforts I finally drag him to our location. Staying in LA has its own perks, for example: you can find the sex of your baby and then throw a party to find out about it. That's where we were currently heading to find out if our little peanut is a girl or a guy or as Shubman likes to say it "A mini Alisha or a mini Shubman."

There was this beautiful hall that we had booked for this amazing event. It was now decorated with fairy lights here and there. In the center, the words 'Girl' and 'Boy' were inscribed in golden. On the other side of the hall were all the refreshments and the cake. The idea was to cut the cake in front of all and whichever color the cake was from the inside, that was the gender of the baby. For the reveal, our families had flown down all the way from India along with the ICT. Some of my friends here in LA and the cast of Avengers was also present here with us today. Who would have thought that I would get to be friends with the cast? There's a story that explains how I ended up becoming friends with them. So, technically on my first day, I met Kevin Feige and he said that he wanted to introduce me to someone. That's when I saw Chris Evans and The Robert Downey Jr. walking towards me. My jaw dropped immediately when they greeted and I had almost fainted. Don't judge me! How can one even stay normal when these two legends come to talk to you and that's how we ended up becoming friends. Later I got to know the whole cast and as time progressed Shubman met them too. Abhay had fanboyed really hard when he saw them, I had managed to get it on tape for future blackmailing which would be amazing.

We greeted everyone and everything seemed to be going on smoothly. On a separate table we had kept two boxes so that everyone could guess whether it's a girl or a boy. All these guys had to do was either pick up a mustache or a shoe and drop it in the box. We would be counting it right before the reveal.

I was wearing a spaghetti striped dress with a deep v-neck. Half of the dress was light blue and the other half was pink while Shubman was wearing a black tee with a dark blue jacket and jeans.

Everyone was munching up on the snacks when Aditi spoke up "I want everyone's attention here please." Everyone looked at her. "As we all know the to-be momma and dadda are here to find out if the kid is going to be a boy or a girl. Aashana or Sidharth." I couldn't help but smile. "So I request you two to come and cut this cake so that we can find out." Me and Shubman walk to where the cake had been kept. As we took out a piece the crowd burst in loud cheers and me and Shubman just couldn't stop grinning. We are having a baby girl. Our baby girl.


Hey guys!

So this is officially the last chapter of this book but don't worry the epilogue will be coming out this week, so watch out for that and if I don't face anymore issues from wattpad you might as well receive the update today. So just watch out for the final chapter and don't forget to vote and comment down below. Your comments literally make my day!

Until next time!

Adios Amigos!

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