Chapter 9

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"Alisha Jadhav, can you fucking explain me why the hell are these drugs in your sac?!"

"They're not drugs Shubman." She whispers.

"Don't even get me started. I know enough to tell you that these are basically drugs. What the hell makes you think I don't know about them? Alisha this can be really dangerous for you. Why cant you just fucking listen to me for once and stop taking them?" I yelled loudly at her.

There was a pain stricken silence in the room and that's when I notice a tear streaming down her face. Looks like I yelled a bit too much at her. She finally breaks the silence.

"Guess what? I am not perfect! I can't keep a straight avatar during one of the maths tests. I fuck up, okay? I just can't handle them alright? My brain starts going haywire. I have anxiety attacks. When I take these I don't get them, I know I shouldn't be taking them. I promised myself I wouldn't, but guess what I screwed up! I am a big screw up. I can't get things straight. I fuck up everything, and now I have fucked up our relationship. Good job Alisha!" She exclaimed loudly and her head fell into her hands, tears falling fown her face. That's when I realised how vulnerable she was right now. I had no clue about her anxiety attacks.

I sat next to her on the couch and wrapped a hand around her. She buried her head into my chest and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Alli, I didn't mean for this to happen. I had no clue about your anxiety attacks. You didn't fuck up the relationship, hon. Just promise me that you wont take those drugs again. Alright?"

She looked up and nodded, our eyes not meeting. I gently caressed her face and she looked at me.

"Alli, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have flipped out."

"It's alright, it's partially my fault as well, I should have told you everything, the attacks and the med. I'm sorry." She shrugs.

"How long have you been taking those pills though?" I ask her.

"Last I had taken them was before my boards, to be more specific, before my algebra and geometry paper. Rati was the one who had found out about it then and she made me promise that I wouldn't take them again. I kept my word until the past three days. I'm sorry." She said her head hanging low.

I lifted her face and smiled at her.
"I'm glad that you're honest and the next time you feel the urge to take those pills, you're going to call me instead. You get it?"

"Yep. So we good?" She asked me.

"Yes, we're great. Now how about we have that dinner and let's get back to studying."

"Sounds good to me. So what's for dinner?"

"There's white and red sauce pasta." She smacks me on my shoulder, "what was that for Alli?"

"You're not eating white sauce pasta, you have a series coming up next month. I'm not letting you go off diet."

"How do you even know this? I found out about this at noon." I am really inquisitive now.

"That's cause I get notifications from Google every time something is uploaded related to you."

"You're crazy." I laugh.

"Only for you." I hug her and we stay like that for a while. She pulls apart but not fully, her hands still wrapped around my neck, her eyes boldly meeting mine.

"What?" I ask her and she surprises me when her lips meet mine and our lips sync together. Her mouth fits perfectly onto mine and she tastes just like coffee. My hands make their way from her waist to her cheek. I have never felt this crazy because of someone kissing me. We finally pull apart due to lack of breath.

"Woah, that was amazing!" I tell her, "how many times have you kissed people Alli?" I joke.

"Fun fact: This was my first time kissing someone." She tells me.

"What? Well for someone who hasn't been kissed, you're a really good kisser."

"I know I am," she smirks and she kisses me again.

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