Chapter 28

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"You guys have been engaged for like almost a year and y'all didn't even start the wedding planning yet! Are y'all even planning to get married?" Shahneel asks us and I nod at the screen laughing while Shubman just shakes his head. We were Face-timing Shahneel who was in Mohali and me and Shubman were in my LA apartment.

"We will soon." Shubman confirms and they talk for a while and hang up while I work on the script of Avengers 4.

"Hey, what is it with people and asking us when we are getting married?" Shubman groans as he sits next to me on the bed.

"Probably because we have been engaged for a long time now?" I guess.

"Maybe. The worst part about getting married is that there are way too many rituals, its tiring." I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Its just way too long and then you need to put up a smile and talk with people who you don't know or don't like." I state.

"I think when we get married, it should be just us, it kinda makes the moment intimate and special." He says.

"Well, that wont be happening unless you're planning to elope."

"Alli, lets do it."

"Lets do what?"


"Are you crazy? Our families will go crazy if we do it."

"Al, let's do this. Before our families got involved in our relationship it was just us. We went through thick and thin, our highs and lows and it was still us. We are the people who have been together. For once, forget about what the world thinks abd do this for us."

"Um.. you know what? Vegas is not that far from here. If you go to see, its hardly a 4 hour drive from here." I casually state.

"Oh my god, Al. I can't believe that you are agreeing to this."

"Don't make me change my mind."

"Lets go!"

"Vegas here we come!"


After driving for almost 4 hours, we were finally here at LAS VEGAS! I was looking around for a dress while Shubman was looking for a tux. We were meeting each other at a chapel in about half an hour. Either the dresses were too fancy or too plain, I just couldn't find the perfect dress. I hope I  get it soon.

I walk around the second isle and something catches my eye. It was a beautiful wedding dress, not really long and the main thing it was exactly like Penny's wedding dress from The Big Bang Theory.

It reached up to my knees and had a beautiful net design near my neck. A very beautiful veil too. I quickly try it on and its just so perfect. Its amazing, Shubman is going to be in total awe. I quickly purchase it, get dressed and  make my way to the chapel.


"You can go in now, your groom to be is already in there." The lady in-charge tells me while handing me  a bouquet of pink roses. Not really my choice, but still. She opens the door and I walk in while Shubman is totally in awe. Tears escaping both of our eyes.

"Have any of you prepared your vows?" The officiant asks and we nod.

"Al, Alli, Alisha, you have no clue how big of an impact you have on my life. Before you, I was just surviving my life but now with you in my life, I have learned how to live it. You have made me realize that love is not just about loving a person because of their qualities but of loving that person despite of their flaws. I love you so much.  Alli, there were a lot of girls trying to take my wicket but when I saw you, I was Bowled over Beauty." Now that was some actual moving thing. Both of us just couldn't stop crying by now.

"Shubman, usually I know just what to say but now after listening to what you've said, I am not sure of what to say anymore. As a kid I always thought that I would fall in love with someone and have a beautiful wedding, but growing up I realized that I may never have a boyfriend let alone a wedding and then you just came into my life and made it a thousand times better. I love you so much."  

The officiant hands us the rings and I slip it on his finger as I say "I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you."

 "I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you." He says and slips the ring on my finger.

"Miss Alisha Jadhav, do you take Shubman Gill as your lawfully wedded husband?" The officiant asks me.

"I do."

"Now do you Mr. Shubman Gill take Alisha Jadhav as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Shubman says smiling.

"Now you may kiss the bride." The officiant says. Shubman puts his hands on my waist and crashed his lips against mine. I kissed him back passionately and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Today is one of the best days of my life.


As we reach our room, Shubman gently kisses my neck.

"You cant have some patience now, can you?" I ask as I open the door.


Hey guys!

Don't worry there will be an update following up really soon. The reason I cut this chapter short was because it was becoming way too lengthy. I will try my best to post it today or  if I couldn't it will be uploaded by Tuesday.

And don't forget to vote and comment down below!!

Until next time!

Adios Amigos!!

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