Chapter 16

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"So what exactly is this party going to be like?" I ask Aditi as we walk to the frat house.

"Okay, so just the usual things, truth or dare, drinking, beer pong, etc." She states and I just stare at her.

"Firstly, I don't know anyone there and secondly I don't drink."

She grins at me and says "So did I at first but trust me you'll have fun. I have a great squad and some of their brothers and sisters are joining Harvard and the party tonight." I nod and we reach at the house.

The house looks like any other house but the thing is its all packed up with teenagers and people in their twenties, the entire living room is full of people who are drinking and dancing.

"McCoy my man!" Aditi yells and hugs a guy. He had hazel eyes, fair and average heighted.

"Who's this beauty?" The McCoy guy asks Aditi. Why is he hitting on me?

"Oh, that's my new roommate, Alli. Alli thats McCoy." He gives me a smile and we do a handshake.

"I'll be right back." He says and walks away.

"Aditi, are you and McCoy a thing?" I ask her out of curiosity.

"What? No," she laughs "we're best friends and besides he's gay." I give her a small smile.

"He reminds me of the McCoy from Will and Grace." I state and she laughs.

"He sure does anyways I'll introduce you to my squad, come along."

We walk over to a yellow couch where a bunch of people are sitting and laughing.

"If it isn't our scholar. Miss Aditi KL." One of the guys say and Aditi rolls her eyes at him.

"Guys, I want you'll to meet someone, this is Alli, my new roommate."

"Hey Alli!" Everyone says and I smile and say hi back.

I sit next to Aditi on the couch and McCoy comes up.

"Guys, truth or dare?!" McCoy yells.

"McCoy seriously? We're not in seventh grade anymore!" The girl with the pink hair says. I guess her name is Mackenzie.

"We'll get to know this one better, if we do play." Another guy says, pointing towards me, judging by his spanish accent I guess he's Estefan.

"Alright then, let's do this!" Aditi says and grabs a vodka shot. Instantly chugging it down. I grin at her enthusiasm and we begin.

"Who's going first?" McCoy asks.

"Me!" A guy yells and we all laugh.

"Who's that?" I whisper to Aditi.

"That's Anthony, he's basically the power house of our group. The girl next to him is Monica, they've been dating for a year now. The other guy with the blue eyes who's kinda looking at you is Daniel. I guess he's got a crush on you. The guy next to McCoy is Will, they've been dating for a couple months now."

"Woah so McCoy managed to get a Will even in real life just like the sitcom."

"I know right, I always tease him." We giggle."One more tip while playing do not tak-" she's cut off by Will nudging her.

"What is it Will?" She asks.

"Look there." We look towards the door and see a well built guy, with brown eyes looking at Aditi. She gets up from the couch.

"I'll be right back." She tells me and walks outside the room with the guy.

"What's up with her?" I ask Will.

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