Chapter 15

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I glanced at the clock, it was 6 in the evening and I had managed to live on four hours of sleep yet again. If dad finds out has going to kill me, me and my mom have this thing and he always worries about us too much. One hour till the party at McCoy's starts. I grab my clothes and get changed into a black dress with v neck and spaghetti strips. Pulling my hair into a pony tail and putting on my boots. I looked out, it was starting to get colder. On second thoughts, I put my dad's team jacket which I've adored growing up and slip on my oversized winter coat. I'm so going to get this coat and jacket thing off once i reach at McCoy's. Hey, don't judge me it's freaking cold here.

I sigh looking at the time, I gave exactly forty five minutes before the party, also I need to keep my room clean, my new roommate's coming up. Say bye! To the days of living in your dorm room alone! Also I don't want the new girl to think I stay in a dumpster. Don't judge me, I have tons of stuff to do and hence I get really less time to clean up. Now if my mom would've seen my room she'd be having panic attacks by now. That's another one of the things me and my dad have in common. Hate cleaning up the mess.

My phone buzzed and I see a message from McCoy.

Mac n cheese : Hey girl! Reminding you that my party starts in about forty five minutes, so put your book down, lift your ass, get changed and come here! Or I swear I won't talk to you.

I roll my eyes at his text. McCoy was my first friend when I came here. We've been inseparable since then, always doing crazy, illegal and bizarre shit together. I text him back.

Me: I remember about your party Mac n cheese, I'm heading over soon. Chillax babe.

I am finally done cleaning up the room when there's a knock on my door. There's a brunette girl, with hazel eyes standing wearing a 'Be my Chandler Bing' hoodie.


"Is this room D312?" She asks in her sweet voice and I nod.

"Hi, I'm Alisha, your new roommate." She says forwarding her hand and I shake it.

"Get in," I tell her and she drags her trolly bag in and a guy peeping in with a hoodie covering his face.

"Alli, you want help or should I get back to the hotel?"

"I'm fine Kedy, thanks." He removes his hoodie and glasses and my jaw drops.

"Kedy what are you doing here?" J ask him.

"Aditi? Is that really you?" I nod and he gives me a hug and Alisha just looked at us.

"I came here to drop Alli," I smile at him.

"How do you know her?"

"Well she's my fiancé's sister. She's Alisha Jadhav."

"Hold up hold up hold up. You mean she's the Alisha? Shubman's Alisha?" He nods and I look at my roommate who also turns out to be my BFF'S girlfriend and she just shrugs.

"So since you're here with her, I'm getting back to the hotel. Kay? Bye girls." He says and walks off.

"How do you know Shubman?" She asks me.

"I'm his best friend, Aditi Shergill KL." Now, it's her jaw that drops.

"Nice meeting you, Shubman talks a lot about you." She smiles at me and says. I return the smile.

"So, I know we've just met but my friend is throwing a party, come with me, won't you?" I ask her.

"I haven't really been to a party party."

"That's cool. This can be your first college party then. Get changed quick, besides you'll get to meet some new people before college tomorrow. It'll be great." I grin at her and she nods.

She grabs a Marvel hoodie and some jeans.

"How's this?"

"Nope, as much as I love Marvel, it just doesn't scream party. First impressions matter, honey. Lemme see what you got there." Jesus! I sound like my mom.

She doesn't really have anything that screams out party. I definitely need to take her shopping this weekend. I open my cupboard and pull out a black coloured spaghetti strapped v necked blouse along with it a turquoise coloured puffy skirt, which will probably reach up to her knees.

"Hear, have this." I hand it to her and she shakes her head. I give her a questionably look and she says "Cleavage", I put it back in and hand her a black full sleeved crop top along with a yellow checked skirt. She takes it and goes to change, while I text Shubman.

Me:Ass! You never mentioned how cute your girlfriend looks.

Idiot: You met her already?

Me:Duh. We're roomies! And are now heading over for a party.

Idiot: Oh Lord! Now you'll will backbitch about me together. Did you just say party? Aditi there's NO WAY you're taking her for a party, she just turned 18 and besides college starts day after tomorrow.

Me:Chill dude, it's McCoy's party. I'll take care of her.

Idiot: You better do and don't let her drink.

I roll my eyes at his text and text a quick bye. The bathroom door opens and she walks out looking really good.

"Ready for tonight Alli?"


"Let's hit the party then!"


Hey guys!

I know I haven't updated but the thing is my school has started pouring a shit load of assignments on us and honestly it's just too much to top it off there's classes as well!

So the next few weeks I won't be able to post a lot, maybe once or twice a week or something, so please bear with me and I promise the story will become interesting soon. There's lots to come!

Don't forget to vote and comment down below which is your favourite Avenger!

Love love!!!

Until next time!
Adios Amigos! [Also comment down below, if you know which Youtuber says Adios Amigos at the end of his video. I'll dedicate the next chapter to the person with the correct guess.]

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