choose your clique

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From walking with Tzuyu and Jihyo, Yuqi only learned a couple of things. First, they were a part of Twice, one of the most popular groups, which meant that Yuqi now had popular friends already and she hadn't even walked into a classroom yet.

Secondly, Jihyo was super bright and cheerful. "Imagine if her friends are even more cheerful than her? I would die." Yuqi smirked to herself, the girl really was like a walking ray of sunshine.

Lastly, Tzuyu had told Yuqi that she had another Taiwanese friend, and that she would introduce her to Yuqi when she got the chance.

As far as this school went, Yuqi wasn't having the worst time yet. She still really missed Beijing and Lucas, as well as her other friends, but nevertheless these girls seemed to be trying to make her feel better, and it was working.

"We're here! Mr. Kim isn't a bad teacher, but he's a little annoying, so watch what you say." Jihyo commented, and Yuqi just nodded. She was nervous to walk into a new class in itself.

Alongside Tzuyu and Jihyo, she walked into the class, with all eyes on her, probably since two celebrities were walking next to her. A man tapped her on the shoulder, presumably Mr. Kim.

"You're the new one right?" He asked bluntly, and Yuqi nodded. "This guy is boring as fuck wow." Yuqi thought, as the guy's monotone features just motioned for her to stand in front of the class and introduce herself.

Jihyo and Tzuyu gave her smiles and a thumbs up, as words of encouragement. Yuqi cleared her throat, and started to speak.

"Uhm— hello everyone, I'm Song Yuqi, but you can just call me Yuqi. I'm from Beijing, China. It's nice to meet you all!" Yuqi finished, and a handsome boy started clapping after she was finished.

"Wow! You should be a philosopher or something." The boy smirked, and everyone laughed. Yuqi could see a girl sitting next to him, probably his girlfriend.

"Taehyung, she's new. Give the girl a damn break." Another boy said, who had a puppy like face. "I don't care, Jimin. She's new, that's what I do to everyone." Taehyung smirked again, and Yuqi was ready to slap that smirk right off of his face.

"Leave her alone, Taehyung." Jihyo retorted, ams Taehyung put his hands up. "Yes, your highness. I'm just messing around, don't give me detention!" Taehyung mocked again, and the class laughed again.

"This guy isn't even funny, what the fuck are they laughing at?" Yuqi thought; maybe it was just because she wasn't as fluent in korean as everyone else yet?

Another pale-skinned girl with dark black hair came up to Yuqi and offered her hand. "Just ignore him, that's what I do. I'm Yeh Shuhua, a Taiwanese student. I'm assuming that you've met my friend Tzuyu?" Shuhua introduced herself, and Yuqi smiled.

"Nice. Someone I can actually relate to." Yuqi thought, and spoke back. "I'm Yuqi, as you already know. What group are you a part of? Everyone in this school seems to have a damn clique." Yuqi asked, and Shuhua was laughing so hard.

"That's the first thing I said when I got here too! I wouldn't consider myself to actually be in a clique, but I'm friendly with Miyeon and Soyeon who are part of the (g)idle clique, so I guess I am too." Shuhua explained, while Yuqi's eyes widened.

"Why is everyone in this class popular af? Am I the only loser here?" Yuqi asked herself, with Shuhua smirking next to her.

Mr. Kim interrupted their conversation, and told Yuqi to go sit next to a tall looking girl named Sooyoung.

"New kid, right? I'm Sooyoung, nice to meet you." Sooyoung smiled, and Yuqi nodded, introducing herself as well. As Yuqi conversed with Sooyoung, she could see Jihyo and Tzuyu pouting in the corner of her eye. "Do they hate Sooyoung or something?" Yuqi thought, but shook the thought off and continued her conversation.

A couple of classes later, and Yuqi was starting to find her way around the school. She met another girl by the name of Lia, who spoke English as well.

"This clique system is crazy! For instance, I met Jihyo and Tzuyu from Twice, Roseanne from Blackpink, and Sooyoung who I'm assuming is from Red Velvet since they hate her so much, all on the same damn day! I can't catch a break, can I?" Yuqi complained to her new friend, who she felt comfortable with already.

"Red Velvet, or the group that Sooyoung is in, has an unspoken rivalry with the other girls, specifically Twice. No one knows what happened, but they hate each other's guts. Lucky for you, I'm not in a clique. I'm a normal student too!" Lia cheered, and Yuqi felt relieved. After all, she didn't want to involve herself in popularity yet. She still didn't even know where she was going yet.

Lia led Yuqi to the lunch table, and invited her to sit with her. Yuqi was about to decline, but realized that she didn't have any friends yet, and she felt comfortable with Lia, so she accepted.

Yuqi looked around the room, and it had a weird format. There were 5 black tables, and the rest were white. Yuqi could see all of the popular cliques sitting at their designated tables. Twice, Blackpink, Red Velvet, BTS, and (g)idle. Yuqi ignored the stares of the students, and sat down with Lia at her table.

Four other girls sat down at the table, and quickly introduced themselves to Yuqi once Lia explained her situation.

"Hi! I'm Yuna!" Yuna cheered. "Nice to meet you, I'm Yeji. I hope we'll be good friends!" Yeji introduced herself. "Hello, I'm Ryujin, nice to meet you." Ryujin calmly introduced herself. Lastly, Chaeryoung introduced herself, and Yuqi greeted them back.

"I could get used to this." Yuqi smirked, and started to strike up a conversation with the girls. Soon enough, the cafeteria went completely silent. Everyone stopped what they were doing, except for Yuqi, who kept eating her lunch.

With food still in her mouth, she asked, "Why isn't anyone eating? Did I spit on you or something?" Yuqi asked, digesting her food. Ryujin, with a pale face, pointed behind Yuqi, causing the girl to turn around.

"Sooyoung? You're in here too?" Yuqi causally said, and everyone was dumbfounded. The Velvets never ever talked to anyone besides themselves.

"Yup. I see you've made some new friends." Sooyoung responded coldly, while the girls of Itzy looked like they'd seen ghosts. "Yeah, I finally kind of know my way around, heh." Yuqi nervously laughed, feeling uncomfortable with the whole entire cafeteria staring at her.

"Stop staring, or I'll cut your fingers off!" Sooyoung shouted, and everyone averted their eyes down and started talking again. Yuqi was dumbfounded, Sooyoung had so much power.

"You don't mind if I borrow Yuqi here for a second, do you?" Sooyoung asked Lia, who furiously shook her head. Yuqi stood up, while Sooyoung grabbed onto her wrist. She whispered in Yuqi's ear, "I hope I didn't scare you too much."

Yuqi just nodded; she wasn't afraid, but she felt extremely uncomfortable. She wasn't stupid, she knew that Sooyoung was part of the untouchables, which made her wonder why she was even talking to her, let alone initiating physical contact and whispering in her ear.

"This is too much for one day." Yuqi sighed, but followed Sooyoung to their table. Sooyoung moved over to make room for her, and Yuqi looked around the room, making eye contact with Jihyo before sitting down.

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