who is she

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"Yuqi! Yuqi!" Sana shouted, her voice echoing in Yuqi's ears, and she snapped out of her daze. "What the fuck just happened?" Yuqi thought; it just seemed like a complete blur.

"There you are! You spaced out for a second there, are you alright?" Sana asked, concerned.

"Yes, I-I'm fine." Yuqi stuttered, she was still caught up in that girl's eyes, and the random things those intoxicating orbs made her feel. "Who is she?" Yuqi asked herself, unable to receive an answer.

Sana went back to having her conversation with Tzuyu, while Yuqi got dragged over by Momo. "I heard you're a foreigner too! Tzuyu told me!" Momo chirped, and Yuqi nodded.

"Yes, I am. Is this school popular for foreigners?" Yuqi asked, she had seen a ton of foreigners already, and it's only her first day here.

"Right. It's my first day, and everyone is already bombarding me." Yuqi rolled her eyes a little, not like she minded making new friends, but she wasn't too fond of South Korea yet. She badly wanted to go home.

"Yes, but it's not a specialized school. There just happens to be a large amount of them." Momo explained, like it was the most obvious thing ever. Yuqi just nodded.

"Since you're new, how about you come to the party tomorrow night? It's at Roseanne's house, she's loaded! It'll be fun, but only if you're free." Momo asked, and Yuqi's eyes widened.

"A party? Already? Father would kill me, but he doesn't have to know does he?" Yuqi contemplated; her father could cause damage if he wanted to, but Yuqi wanted to jump on the opportunity to make new friends, and to possibly take her mind off of Beijing. After all, she wasn't moving back anytime soon.

"Alright, I'm in." Yuqi answered, her tone short. Momo cheered, and high-fived her. "Great! Give me your phone number, and I'll text you!" Momo suggested, and Yuqi handed over her phone.

Her lock screen was still of her and her ex-boyfriend, Lucas. She sighed while unlocking her phone; she really did miss him. The move ruined their relationship; they knew that it wouldn't work unless they were either both in Beijing, or both in Korea. Yuqi would kill for the chance to go back.

Momo put her contact in, and Yuqi took her phone back. The bell rung, signaling that it was time for the girls to go to their next class. Momo and the rest of TWICE bid Yuqi goodbye, and now she was on her own again.

Minnie sighed, before opening the door to her house. Truth be told, she was very rich, but that always came with a price. An asshole of a father just so happened to be that price.

Her father was so obsessed with his business, so much so that he would neglect her for days on end, even going as far as hitting her when he got angry.

Worst of all, her mother didn't do anything about it. She just watched, as her father came home and left bruises on his only daughter, as he shoved her to the ground, and beat her until she couldn't get up.

So when the people at school said that Minnie was perfect, she could only laugh. They didn't know the real story, and they never would. Not in a million years.

School was considered her safe place. Her haven of sorts, the only place where she wouldn't be treated badly. Instead, people treated her well, they loved her, unlike her parents.

Recently, Minnie has heard her father talking on and on about a new business deal, one that would link him to China; earning more growth and coin for himself.

"Minnie, come here right now." Her father barked, and Minnie had no choice but to succumb to his request. "Yes sir?" She mumbled, with her head down. She couldn't even bare the thought of calling him father.

"As you must know, if you've been smart enough to pay attention, we have a new connection to a branch of business in China. The CEO, Mr. Song, will be coming over with his daughter on Saturday. You will be there, and you know the consequences if you don't show up." Her father spat, the coldest tone he could possibly muster.

Minnie nodded, and excused herself to her room, where she would spend the rest of the night. "I wonder what it's like to have an actual family? Must be nice." Minnie thought, and started on her homework. That would keep her busy enough to maintain all of her emotions for now.

"I guess he won't be coming home again until 2:00 am." Yuqi sighed, her father was nowhere to be found these days. When her mother died, he changed into a person that she no longer knew, someone who drowned himself in his work; perhaps that was his way of coping.

Yuqi was fine with that; she understood how difficult the passing of her mother was on him, but unfortunately that left her to carry the burden all by herself. She walked to her dresser in her room, and looked at the picture of her with her mother and father, slipping into another flashback.

"Mom? Mom!" Yuqi shouted, shaking her mother who was laying silently on her bedroom floor. Pills sat next to her head, and her skin was a faint blue. Yuqi called the police, and waited by her mother until they got there. The flashing lights blurred in her face, as she watched them take her mother away. That was the last time she'd seen her.

A tear rolled down Yuqi's cheek. No matter how long it's been, she would never be able to remove that image from her head. It haunted her everyday, it's the reason that her father changed into a stranger, it's the reason why they ended up moving, and it's the main reason why Yuqi would always be a little broken sometimes.

She walked downstairs, entering the kitchen, when she saw a note on the counter.

Hello Yuqi.

I'm sorry that I can't be home again, I know you're probably sick of it, but this job is too important to pass up. I have a meeting with Mr. Yontararak on Saturday, and he told me to bring you with. I believe he has a daughter that's your age, but I can't be sure. Please make sure you're free, and that you don't make any plans, this business opportunity will be super beneficial for us.

I'll see you soon,

Love Dad

"Really? He doesn't show up ever, but now I have to appease him? I can't wait until I can move out, damn." Yuqi scoffed, her tolerance of her father has lowered immensely throughout the years.

She felt as if it was unfair to her; she was the child here. She shouldn't have to deal with her father's problems, especially since he hadn't ever helped her out, not since she was 13 years old.

"He's unbelievable." Yuqi breathed out. This business meeting had better be important.

Hi everyone! So this was kind of like a filler chapter; i wanted to show what their home lives were like, especially since it's what developed their characters like this. I hope this book isn't too boring. I actually like the plot, and I've always wanted to write something like this. Thank you for enjoying the story!

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