new beginnings and broken hearts

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Hi everyone! It saddens me to inform you that this is indeed the last chapter of this book. I've truly had a blast writing this one, and watching the plot grow into something that I can now say that I'm proud of. Thank you for all of the love and support on this story, it means the world to me that my books can be enjoyed through people!

The sequel will be released shortly, and will be focusing on Minnie and Yuqi's relationship (of course with cameos and involvement of the other members) after college. Please stay tuned for it! It will be posted on my account, and I'll send out an announcement on my page.

Enjoy the end of an era (Lol)

- Rose :)

Yuqi held her ring in her hands, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes, as she watches her father flip the table in fury, the after math of her telling him what happened with Mr. Yontararak.

"We're leaving directly after your graduation, Qi. I don't want you anywhere near this asshole!" Mr. Song frowned, his anger dissipating when Yuqi hugged him, a silent 'thank you' for caring, much unlike Minnie's abuser of a father.

"I just want the best for you, sweetheart. I'm sorry that I haven't been around for a while now." Her father's eyes became teary as well, and the duo both ended up crying together.

Yuqi gets it now, the reason why her mother's death had such a toll on him; the same price would come with if anything ever happened to Minnie. Yuqi wouldn't forgive herself, ever.

"I want the best for us, dad." Yuqi managed to crack a small smile, her father mirroring it before wiping his own tears.

"I'm so proud of you, Qi. Always remember that." Her father reminded her, as Yuqi nodded, her touch slowly becoming less clingy as her father bid her goodnight, with Yuqi walking to her own room, laying down on her bed with a sigh.

"I can't believe I'm graduating." She thought, before letting her exhaustion take over her, shutting her eyes fondly.

"Wake the fuck up, bitch!" A loud voice boomed, as Yuqi reached for the nearest pillow she could harness, smiling victoriously when she heard a yelp.

"Good morning to you too, Shuhua." Yuqi smiled brightly, while her best friend scowled, her own smile appearing on her face as she remembered why she showed up in the first place.

"We're graduating bitch!" Shuhua yelled, taking Yuqi's hands into her own, as they both jumped up and down.

"I know! I'm so excited!" Yuqi replied, truthfully, as she had been looking forward to starting the next chapter of her life, despite the sudden (unfortunate) series of events.

"Well, what the fuck are you doing? Get ready!" Shuhua pushed Yuqi towards her closet, where a cap and gown was waiting for her.

"Oh my god. It's actually happening!" Yuqi smiled, as she grabbed her outfit, getting ready to change and put on makeup, as Shuhua changed into her own cap and gown, following the same pattern.

"This is the only mascara you have? What is this dollar store shit?!" Shuhua yelled out, while going through Yuqi's makeup bag, making the latter giggle.

"I'll just borrow some of yours. Listen, I have to go grab something, I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Yuqi notified Shuhua, as she slipped out of her room, closing the door lightly, as she treked down the hallway, and into her father's room.

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