i'm truly sorry

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Hey guys. I just wanted to apologize for this poorly written chapter. My school work is being wrapped up, so I've been busy with that lately. I tried to fit a chapter in but it's a little rushed I think, so I'm sorry for that! Nevertheless, please enjoy the chapter!

Yuqi sat in English class, with Lia and Ryujin sitting next to her. Minnie sat in the back, so Yuqi barely had time to talk to her.

"Why are you tapping your foot so much?" Ryujin asked Yuqi, who was very fidgety and impatient, tapping her fingers along the brim of the wooden desk in a pattern.

"I have a bad feeling that something bad is gonna happen today." Yuqi answered, her hands shaking slightly.

Throughout her life, she's always trusted her gut. The one time she didn't, her mother passed away. This time, she would not ignore this.

"Hey, relax a little. Try to focus on the lesson." Lia reassured Yuqi, but she wasn't having it.

"I need to get out of here. Now. It's happening again." Yuqi thought, her breathing getting quicker.

"Mr. Jeon, may I use the bathroom?" Yuqi asked, her voice breaking. The teacher nodded, although concerned, while Yuqi booked it out of the classroom, and into the bathroom.

She ran towards the sink, splashing her face with some water, hoping that would help stop her flashbacks.

Ever since her mother died in front of her, Yuqi has been getting flashbacks of the day ever since. Recently, they've calmed down to the point where Yuqi forgot about them, but good things will always come to some sort of end.

She took deep breaths, holding onto the sink with tight, wet hands. Eventually, her breathing returned back to normal, letting her mind catch up to speed.

Whatever was happening today, it wasn't good. Yuqi was sure of it.

English class was quite a scare, but nothing else seemed to happen for the rest of the day, which calmed Yuqi down quite a bit.

"Maybe I was just overthinking things again?" Yuqi thought, plopping her stuff down on the lunch table, next to Minnie.

"What took you so long? You're normally never late?" Minnie asked Yuqi, who laughed.

"My locker got jammed, that's all." Yuqi answered, grimacing at her horrific luck for the day.

"Song Yuqi is late for a change? That's surprising." Soyeon mocked Yuqi, while Shuhua laughed.

"That must be an insult to her perfect 4.0 gpa, huh?" Shuhua teased, high fiving Soyeon while Yuqi rolled her eyes, cracking a small smile.

She secretly loved the teasing.

"What is this? Insult Yuqi hour?" Yuqi retorted, while Minnie smiled at her pout, finding it cute.

"If you look this adorable, I'll piss you off forever." Minnie cooed, with Yuqi sporting a deep blush.

She was so focused on Minnie's words that she didn't see Shuhua motioning to her like a mad man.

"Yuqi! Look up, right now!" Shuhua spat, getting Yuqi's attention.

Yuqi looked up to see her worst nightmare, Cheng Xiao, walking over towards their table, with a huge smirk on her face.

"This day couldn't get any worse." Yuqi sighed, while Shuhua stood up abruptly, alarming the whole table.

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