surprise surprise

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(i apologize for the awful writing in the earlier parts of the chapter; i needed some filler in order to make sure the plot doesn't go ridiculously fast. also enjoy the mass amount of shuqi in this chap! i'm developing their friendship lmao)

Who knew that the one time Yuqi would voluntarily walk in her chem class, that everything would fall from underneath her?

That's a question she couldn't have answered if she tried; she didn't know it yet.

Since Shuhua and Yuqi are both in the same chemistry class, Yuqi volunteered to accompany Shuhua, as she needed to check out one of the textbooks.

"I can't believe I'm skipping part of our lunch period for this." Yuqi grumbled, and Shuhua rolled her eyes.

"Aren't you the one who offered to come with?" Shuhua retorted.

"Yes, but that's was before I actually got up from the table and started walking." Yuqi responded, laughing at her own sentence, while Shuhua started to speed up ahead of her.

"We don't have all damn day, Qi. Come on!" Shuhua shouted, already nearing the door of the classroom, but stopped when she saw something through the window.

"Holy shit." Shuhua breathed out, in a whisper. Yuqi stopped running, to look through the window, and she almost puked at what she saw.

Taehyung, Soojin's boyfriend, was making out with Cheng Xiao, Yuqi's resident nightmare.

"I've never hated two people more. He's an asshole and she keeps ruining my life." Yuqi spat out, but quickly covered her mouth at the last part.

"I'll ask her about that later." Shuhua thought, raising her eyebrows, but she shook the thought off for now. There was a huge problem.

"Soojin is gonna be so upset. Shit. I wish I didn't see this." Shuhua sighed, and Yuqi nodded in agreement.

"What are we gonna do about this? It's really not our business, but it is at the same time? Whatever happens won't end well at all." Yuqi asked, and Shuhua shrugged, the two girls were at a crossroads.

"Fuck my life. Why can't I ever have one easy day? Jesus!" Shuhua facepalmed, and Yuqi tried to stop herself from pacing back and forth.

Yuqi and Shuhua returned to the lunch table, where Miyeon, Soyeon, Minnie, and Soojin were waiting for them.

"What took you two so long?" Soojin asked.

"—-" Shuhua stuttered, and Yuqi quickly jumped in to save the day.

"Shuhua and I were having a little trouble with reading the font, that's all." Yuqi nodded, relieved that Soojin seemed to believe it.

"That's... weird. Anyways, Taehyung said that he would take me on a date tonight!" Soojin cheered, and Yuqi spit her water out of her mouth, causing her to cough heavily.

"Are you ok?" Minnie asked frantically, while Yuqi was struggling to breath. Eventually, she could breath again, and she cleared her throat.

"I—what?!" Yuqi mustered out, while Shuhua was reasonably dead silent.

"He's picking me up for some sushi!" Soojin exclaimed, and Shuhua gritted her teeth.

"You're really going out to sushi with a cheater?" Shuhua said in mandarin, almost giving Yuqi a heart attack.

"You idiot! Imagine if that was in korean? We would be fucked." Yuqi retorted, while Shuhua laughed, having the time of her life.

"I'm so sick of her." Yuqi announced to the whole table, who burst out laughing.

"She's literally perfect. How could someone not like her?"  Minnie thought, looking over at Yuqi who seemed to be laughing with Shuhua. Minnie was falling fast, almost too fast.

It was just Yuqi and Shuhua. Again. The two girls seemed to have a lot in common, as well as Shuhua was paying Yuqi to help her take some photos for the paper. Yeri was stuck doing Wendy a favor, so Yuqi was Shuhua's next option.

"All you have to do is just stand there! Why can't you do it?" Shuhua huffed, as she tried to take pictures of a moving Yuqi.

"It's uncomfortable, that's why!" Yuqi retorted, and Shuhua slowly put her camera down.

"This is pointless. I'll just have Yeri take the photos tomorrow." Shuhua sighed, feeling defeated, when Yuqi noticed something out of the blue.

"Why is this bitch walking towards us? This is the worst timing!" Yuqi's heart started to pound harder, she was getting nervous again.

"Hey, are you ok? You're spacing out." Shuhua ran over to Yuqi, who wasn't moving a muscle. She followed her gaze over to a girl she hadn't seen before. Something about her looked so familiar, however.

Xiao approached Yuqi and Shuhua with a smirk.

"Can I help you?" Shuhua asked, confused on what was happening.

"Please leave, Xiao. You've caused me enough distress." Yuqi gritted her teeth, she wasn't expecting this. Not in front of Shuhua.

"I'm not leaving until I get what I want. I'm not afraid to punch you again, Song Yuqi." Xiao retorted, switching to mandarin.

Shuhua observed the girl, and something clicked. "She's the girl that was with Taehyung! Wait, punch?!!" She thought, her eyes growing wider by the second.

"I don't have time for your bullshit, Xiao. Just tell me what you want so I can leave." Yuqi retorted, clearly angry. Xiao laughed, a mocking one, probably targeted towards the Beijing raised giraffe.

"I'm not dumb. I'm aware that you know about my relationship with Taehyungie." Xiao started, and Yuqi gagged.

"That was so cringey." Shuhu grimaced, rolling her eyes.

"I saw you two idiots through the window, you're absolutely horrible at hiding things." Xiao continued, and Shuhu scoffed.

"What's your point here?" She asked, rather spat out.

"I came to make sure that you don't tell anyone. For your information, I know all of your secrets from Beijing, Yuqi. As for you, Shuhua, I know you're hopelessly in love with Soojin, and if a peep comes out of either of your mouths, you can say goodbye to your perfect images you have built." Xiao smirked, and Yuqi and Shuhua paled.

"Shit. Shit!" Yuqi panicked slightly; she finally escaped the terror of her freshman year when she moved away, she didn't want to relive it again.

"Fine. Can you leave now?" Shuhua growled, and Xiao smirked again. "Very well. See you two tomorrow!" She skipped away, leaving Yuqi and Shuhua to process what happened.

"How does she know so much about us? Specifically you? Do you know her? What was she talking about? Did she hurt you?" Shuhua asked so many questions, and Yuqi sighed.

"I guess it's time I tell her." Yuqi thought, and pulled Shuhua towards the nearest bench.

"I guess we have some things to discuss."

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