put your head on my shoulder

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Yuqi didn't know Shuhua that well; it had only been about 2 days or so since she met her. However, there was a sense of familiarity and comfort that she felt when talking to her, even if just for a second. It was almost as if they've been lifelong friends.

So when Yuqi saw Shuhua sitting on the balcony, clearly bothered by something, her feet naturally led her outside and towards the girl.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Yuqi asked, sitting down on the chair next to Shuhua. Shuhua just laughed, pathetically. Her hair was all disheveled, she had hickies all over her neck, and her head ached.

"A dollar would do." Shuhua bitterly laughed, and only now was when Yuqi noticed her appearance. "She looks like she's going through a rough time." Yuqi kept to herself, moving her chair closer to Shuhua.

"I know we haven't known each other that long, but you do know what I wouldn't judge you, right? We've all been though our own fair share of bad shit. It's just a matter of time before it eventually blows up in our face." Yuqi pondered, she too was guilty of misfortune.

Shuhua smiled, although shocked. She wasn't expecting that sort of answer from the girl next to her; albeit it made a huge difference.

"Have you ever fallen in love with someone that wouldn't ever love you back? That doesn't even acknowledge your existence half the time?" Shuhua huffed; it was almost pathetic.

At this point, Shuhua's head was drifting towards Yuqi's shoulder. Yuqi smiled, a look of encouragement, before Shuhua rested her head there. The two waited a moment, staring up at the stars that had now outlined the sky, covering it in many constellations.

"One time, yes. Funny story, actually; I've never talked to anyone about this before." Yuqi laughed shortly, it was quite ironic. Shuhua's head perked up in curiosity, now she wanted to hear this story.

"There was this girl; she went to my school, and we were very close. I wasn't sure of my sexuality then, but now I believe that I definitely had a crush on her. That would explain the way my heart crushed when she told me she had a boyfriend. All of my plans of possibly confessing, that is, if I was comfortable to even come out, were thrown out of the window." Yuqi said sadly; she forgot about this, but talking about it made her reminiscent.

Shuhua hummed. Yuqi had hit the jackpot.

"I love her. I love her so much, and I wish I didn't. I wish I didn't have to witness her making out with her boyfriend every two seconds, and I wish that she would just acknowledge me for once. It makes me wonder if I ever meant anything to her." Shuhua sighed, it was so painful, the only thing she could do was laugh.

"Who's her boyfriend?" Yuqi asked, lightening the mood a little. Shuhua laughed, a pitiful laugh at most. She felt so raw, so exposed. With Yuqi, she didn't mind it.

"Taehyung." Shuhua blankly stated, and Yuqi groaned. "That prick? Are you fucking kidding me?!" Yuqi complained, and Shuhua laughed.

"I ask myself the same thing. Anyways, I went to check on Soojin, since she said she was going to use the bathroom, and she was taking a long ass time. I opened the door, to what I thought was the bathroom, but it was actually a guest room. There she was, having sex with her dickhead of a boyfriend; and I walked in on it." Shuhua finished, and Yuqi could only breathe out.

"Fucking hell." She thought, Shuhua was brave as hell for even being alright to talk right now.

"I closed the door before they even noticed, but now the thought won't leave my mind. I've never felt my heart break like that. Irrationally, I started making out with the first girl I saw, which lead to the hickies, I guess. I shouldn't have done that by all means, but I think it was justified." Shuhua added, and Yuqi scoffed.

"It was definitely justified! God I can't stand Taehyung, that prick! I wanna bash his fucking face in." Yuqi pouted, getting more annoyed by the second. Shuhua laughed, Yuqi was so relatable. She's  never had a friend like her before.

"Hey, Yuqi?" Shuhua tilted her head up, looking at Yuqi from the side.

"Mhm?" Yuqi responded, her eyes still trained on tracing the constellations.

"Thank you. I feel a bit better now, thanks to you." Shuhua replied, and Yuqi smiled.

"Anytime, that's what I'm here for. To bitch about other people in Mandarin. It's quite fun, isn't it?" Yuqi snorted, and Shuhua snickered.

"There you two are! We need to leave, Roseanne said her parents are gonna be home in a couple of hours, and she needs time to clean." Minnie said, opening the screen door to the balcony.

The two laughed, and followed Minnie out of the balcony and back into the house. Miyeon, Soyeon, and Soojin were waiting in the living room, slightly confused as to why a girl they just met was standing here as well.

"Oh! Right! I spilled beer on Yuqi's shirt, so I'm taking her home as my favor owed." Minnie explained, and the girls just nodded.

Yuqi was still talking to Shuhua, who was immersed in their conversation. She turned her head, to see Soojin, who was walking over towards the two of them.

"Where did you go? I was looking for you." Soojin asked Shuhua, who just hid behind Yuqi slightly. "She was talking to me, sorry. Minnie asked me to get her a drink, and I accidentally bumped into Shuhua and then we were talking." Yuqi covered up, Shuhua whispering a 'thank you' in her ear.

Soojin's eyes wandered up and down the youngest girl, stopping at the hickies. "What the fuck?" Soojin questioned, she was mad for no reason. Those hickies were ticking her off, and she didn't know why.

After a long car ride, Minnie and Yuqi were left in the car together. Yuqi had been siting next to Shuhua, but moved up to the front seat, and now she was directly next to Minnie.

She typed her address in, and leaned back into her seat. "That was one hell of a party." Yuqi thought, she was worn out, but glad she was sober. She still had an important business meeting to attend with her father, much to her dismay.

"Did you have a good time?" Minnie asked, and Yuqi laughed.

"Yes, the beer on my shirt was a nice touch." Yuqi teased, and Minnie pouted.

"I already said I was sorry!" She retorted, and Yuqi laughed. "Don't worry about it, I'm only kidding."

The radio turned on, and Yuqi's favorite song, "Scared to be Lonely" came on. "I love this song!" Yuqi said, in perfect english.

"You like this song too?" Minnie responded back, clearly shocked that Yuqi spoke so well.

"You speak english too?" Both girls asked at the same time, laughing hysterically.

"Yes, I'm fluent." Yuqi spat first, and Minnie responded with an impressed smile.

"You've got some competition, then. Looks like we're both fluent." Minnie smirked, and turned the song up.

Both girls were singing, enjoying themselves. "I need to spend more time with her." Minnie thought. This was the happiest she's felt in a while.

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