time to party

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Lia and Yuqi were in English class. It turns out that all of Lia's friends were also in the class with them, but Yuqi and Lia were the only fluent ones. The others were still learning.

"Ryujin! Yuna!" Yuqi whispered, and tapped all four of her friends on the shoulder; Lia was already listening.

"Are you guys going to the party tonight? At Roseanne's house?" Yuqi asked, and Ryujin laughed.

"We're too nerdy to be invited to a party like that." Chaeryoung answered for her, and Yuna nodded in agreement.

"Well, you're invited now! I'm not going alone; those popular kids still kind of make me uncomfortable, and you guys are good company!" Yuqi responded, and Lia showed hesitance.

"I'm not sure, Yuqi. That's probably not a great idea." Lia reasoned, and Yuqi frowned.

"Please? I'll buy you all dinner!" Yuqi tried, and Yuna smiled. "Deal!" She shouted, and the teacher hushed them.

"Fine. We'll go." Lia accepted, and Yuqi muttered a small "yes!"

"Thank god. I wasn't about to deal with Momo harassing me for a good three hours. Now you guys can be harassed instead!" Yuqi chirped, and focused back on the lesson. Her friends laughed, she was unlike anyone else they'd ever met before.

After Momo texted her the address, she sent it to Lia, who was supposed to pick her up, along with the rest of the girls. The horn blared outside, and Yuqi almost fell off of her couch. "Jesus Christ!" She breathed hard. Her father was gone yet again, so she just shut the door and locked it.

"Beep Beep! I see that I'm icy!" Yuna sang, and Yuqi got into the car. Ryujin was driving, and Lia had a look of sheer annoyance on her face; probably because Ryujin was a wreck and disturbed all of the neighbors.

Yuqi sat in the all the way back with Yeji, while Yuna and Chaeryoung sat in the middle, and the other two in the front. "Are you guys trying to kill me already?" Yuqi shouted, they were making so much noise.

As Ryujin drove, the girls all blasted "Sorry Sorry" but Super Junior, their favorite kpop group. The ride was about 10 minutes give or take, so by the time two or three songs ended, they were already there.

Yuqi hopped out of the car, and looked outside in awe. "When Momo said Roseanne was loaded, she meant loaded! How much money does she have?" Yuqi's eyes widened out of her skull; the access to luxuries like this was only a figment of her imagination, that is, until now.

"Are you just gonna stare at her house or are you coming?" Yeji shouted, the girls were already way ahead of her. Yuqi shook her head, leading her small two feet towards the door step, where the other girls were all waiting.

Yuqi could already hear the blasting music. The smell of alcohol was apparent, even from outside. Lia knocked a couple of times, prompting Roseanne to answer the door.

"Hey guys! Come on in! Glad you could make it!" Roseanne chirped, opening the door so that they could walk in. Yuqi walked in, immediately bumping into random people she didn't know. "I just walked in and I automatically regret coming to this." Yuqi huffed. She turned around, and her friends were nowhere to be found as of late, they probably got separated in the sea of people as well.

A hand grabbed her arm, and dragged her away from the crowd. "There you are! Glad you came, I was looking for you!" Momo smiled, and dragged Yuqi over (again) towards a group of large people.

"Where are you taking me?" Yuqi asked, she had no idea where the hell she was going. Momo just laughed, and led her into another room, where familiar faces were waiting.

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