join a club!

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(another long chapter ahead. do you guys prefer longer chapters or more frequent shorter ones? i personally think that longer chapters are better for the story development, but that's probably just me lol. this chapter also jumps storylines a little bit, so i'm sorry ab that)

As things started to look great for Mr. Song's business, Yuqi started to look for clubs to join. She wasn't keen on getting accustomed to the school, as there was still a chance that she would move back home, but now that chance had been swept from underneath her feet, so she figured that she would find something worthwhile to fill her time with.

It turns out that 3/4 of all of her friends were all part of the "arts club", which consisted of dancing, singing, and painting. Yuqi always loved to sing and dance, ever since she was younger. It brought back fun memories for her.

"Please join the club! It will be fun! We're already in music class right now." Soojin begged, and Yuqi rolled her eyes. Soojin had been bothering her a lot lately, asking about whether she's talked to Shuhua or not, and if she would help her get Shuhua's attention.

"Didn't I tell you I would think about it? All of the members of Red Velvet, TWICE, and Blackpink have already asked me this." Yuqi answered blankly, trying to focus on her assignment.

"But we're idle, and Momo, Lisa, and I are co-presidents!" Soojin pouted, and Yuqi facepalmed.

"They've already mentioned that too! Can we please just focus on this assignment. I promise we can talk about this at lunch?" Yuqi asked, and Soojin nodded. She knew she would pester Yuqi later anyway.

"I've been trying to get Yuqi to join the arts club for 3 days now!" Soojin complained to the four other girls at the lunch table; Shuhua wasn't anywhere to be found these days.

"I remember when she did that to me when I first transferred here. It worked." Minnie laughed, and Yuqi's ears perked up.

"You're in the club?" Yuqi asked, and Minnie smiled.

"Mhm, and so are Miyeon, Soyeon, and Shuhua." Minnie added, and Yuqi's eyes widened.

"How come I never knew about this? Where the fuck have I been?" Yuqi asked, mindblown. "I'm such an idiot." She thought.

"So you'll join when Minnie asks you, but not when I beg you for three days?" Soojin pouted, and Yuqi laughed at her.

"Why are you expecting this from me, Soojin?" Yuqi retorted, with Miyeon spitting out her milk.

"Practice starts today, you better come or I'll have Minnie drag you." Soojin glared at Yuqi, who put her hands up in defense.

"Yes, your majesty." Yuqi joked, and the whole table died in laughter.

"Shuhua hasn't been to any practices lately, I'm seriously worried about her." Soojin whispered, and Soyeon patted her on the shoulder.

"She's been busy with other things. I heard that she's the new lead photographer for the paper!" Soyeon exclaimed, and Miyeon smiled.

"Really? I always knew she had a passion for photography. She's good too, I've seen some of her photos." Miyeon added.

"If you mean a passion for Yeri." Soojin mumbled, but Yuqi heard it.

"I'm not surprised that she's been getting close with Yeri. Now that I think about it, the two have a lot in common. Just like her and Tzuyu." Yuqi responded, indirectly rubbing facts into Soojin's face. She was sick of Soojin's obliviousness, and so were the rest of the girls.

"I'm happy for her. I know how hard it was for her to make friends here, so I'm actually really glad that she's coming out of her shell." Minnie responded, and the girls all nodded, except for Soojin, who was still unreasonably uncomfortable with the fact that Yeri was talking up Shuhua's time.

Truthfully, Shuhua had taken up the school paper as her club, rather than going to the arts club instead. She wasn't even the best at singing nor dancing, and she was placed in the back for most of the choreographies. Photography, however, was something she was really good at, and the only person who paralleled her was Kim Yerim.

Shuhua and Yeri weren't really ever close due to the unspoken rivalry between both groups, however, Yuqi had been a key factor in crossing that bridge. While the older members of both groups still don't really like each other, Yeri and Shuhua had been getting pretty close after Yuqi introduced the two of them.

It also helped that Yeri was already on the school paper, as a photographer. Shuhua had started participating in the paper full time, and that had caused the two girls to spend a lot of time together, especially since they were the only two photographers on the team.

Today was the day that Shuhua was regretting. Mark Lee, the project manager and president of the club, had asked Shuhua and Yeri to go take pictures of the arts club for their winter issue.

Shuhua had ended up spilling her guts to Yeri about Soojin beforehand, and Yeri related to her. She was going through the same problem with Sooyoung, who was in a relationship with Namjoon.

"This is gonna be one major pain for us, but we have no choice. I don't need Mark up my ass for not getting the pictures for our 'glamorous' winter issue." Yeri spat, clearly annoyed.

"I can't avoid her forever. I owe Tzuyu for letting me sit with her for a whole week and a half." Shuhua responded, and Yeri nodded, agreeing.

"Do you want me to talk to her for you? I know we need her permission for the pictures since she's the president. We could ask Momo or Lisa but they would just direct us to Soojin anyway." Yeri asked, and Shuhua shook her head no.

"I just need to get this over with." Shuhua thought, and with a push of the doors, she opened the door to the auditorium.

A couple of people noticed her and Yeri walk down the aisle, and towards the stage, but the majority of the people were too busy conversing amongst themselves to pay attention to the two photographers.

Yuqi and Minnie were talking amongst themselves, when Minnie noticed something in the corner of her eye. She tapped Yuqi, who winced.

"Ouch, really?!" Yuqi complained, and Minnie rolled her eyes. "Look who just walked in!" Minnie shifted Yuqi towards the entrance, where Shuhua was walking next to Yeri.

The two didn't waste anytime, and started walking towards Shuhua and Yeri.

"What are you doing here? Miyeon is gonna kill you for missing so many practices! Oh, hey Yeri." Yuqi asked Shuhua, and Yeri, who waved back.

"We actually need to take pictures for the winter issue. I need to ask for Soojin's permission." Shuhua revealed, and Minnie gasped.

"You're actually gonna talk to her?" Yuqi asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, I can't avoid her forever. Besides, Taehyung isn't here right now, so at least I can hopefully have a civil conversation." Shuhua replied.

"I'm warning you though, she's gonna ask you why you ignored her. She doesn't give up easily with that stuff." Minnie added, and Shuhua nodded. She knew exactly how Soojin worked.

"We'll wait down here for you, Shu." Yeri told Shuhua, who nodded again.

"Here goes nothing." Shuhua breathed heavily, and advanced towards the stage, where Soojin was talking to Jennie and Lisa.

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