the ball (vol 2 | M)

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I was reading some of the comments on the last chapter... you guys are so funny, I swear. You're right though, this will be a long, smutty chapter. If you're uncomfortable with that, it's more than fine to skip this chapter. I'm also horrible at writing smut, so this chap is probably gonna suck lol

The music was extremely loud; almost too loud for Yuqi's liking.

Nevertheless, she was enjoying herself quite thoroughly. Minnie stood with her, arm in arm, while their fathers took the initiative to impress some of the richest guests; or should I say, possible investors.

Her father, Mr. Song, was charming one of the richest families, in Korea. Their son, Kim Jongin, was around their age, attending SM High, JYP's biggest rival.

Mr. Song tapped on his daughter's shoulder, making Yuqi excuse herself from Minnie, who sported a pout.

"Yuqi, I need a huge favor from you." Mr. Song asked, while Yuqi rolled her eyes. She could tell where this was going.

"What is it?" Yuqi asked, a bored expression painting itself on her face.

"Jongin looks bored, and we can't have that. Is there anyway you could keep him occupied, or perhaps the group of kids over there?" Mr. Song asked Yuqi, who scoffed, nevertheless, she nodded.

"You've got to be kidding me." Yuqi thought, making her way over towards Minnie, who had a confused look on her face.

"Is everything alright? You look upset." Minnie asked, her face full of concern.

"Do you know where they keep the alcohol here?" Yuqi questioned, and Minnie's eyes widened.

"Uh, they have a reserved room full of that stuff, but I don't think that's a good idea, Qi." Minnie responded, not too thrilled at Yuqi's desire for alcohol.

"My father asked if we can keep Jongin amused, so I figured we could all party and have some fun. There's a group of kids that we need to keep occupied, apparently for investment or something." Yuqi explained, and Minnie nodded, although she wasn't so happy about the outcome.

"I know you're not happy about this, but I don't think we have any other choice, Min. I'm not gonna sleep with the guy just so my father can land an investment." Yuqi added, sighing.

"Actually, I suddenly love this idea!" Minnie answered, while Yuqi giggled.

"Very well. Let's get this cash, then, my lady." Yuqi winked at Minnie who blushed, and the two walked over towards Jongin and his band of friends.

"Jongin, right?" Yuqi asked him, while he nodded.

"Yeah, but you can call me Kai since you're cute. Who are you?" Jongin answered, while Yuqi sighed, Minnie glaring at him from behind Yuqi.

"Song Yuqi, and this is Minnie Yontararak." Yuqi introduced herself, pulling Minnie up next to her.

"Well then, Ms. Song, what can I do for you?" Kai smirked, while Minnie never wished had she a slipper more in her life.

"This ball is getting a little boring here, and I just so happen to know a reserved room that's full of alcohol, and I could use a crowd. Are you down?" Yuqi asked swiftly, exercising her social skills, while Minnie marveled at her.

"Free alcohol with you? Fuck yeah, I'm down! Heejin, get the others. We're having some fun tonight." Kai laughed deeply, exchanging looks with his friend.

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