an explanation

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"There we go; that should hold." Yuqi said triumphantly, as she finished wrapping the bandage around Minnie's ankle. She helped Minnie take off her heels, and now the two were sitting on Minnie's bed.

"I have a question." Yuqi randomly said, and Minnie perked up. "What is it?" She said back.

"Do I call you Nicha or Minnie? Isn't your last name Kim?" Yuqi started babbling, and Minnie laughed. She expected this after Yuqi found out who she was. She wouldn't lie to her.

"My real name is Nicha Yontararak, but I go by Kim Minnie instead. I didn't want to be tied to the name, rather I wanted to make one for myself. No one, except you, knows of my real identity." Minnie explained, and Yuqi's eyes widened.

"I'm the only one that knows?" Yuqi thought, she was particularly proud that she was the first one to know such a thing, although it wasn't necessarily by choice.

"That explains why you don't look korean, I guess. Are you Thai?" Yuqi asked, and Minnie nodded. "That makes more sense now."

"I have respect for that, actually. If I could, I would separate myself from my name too." Yuqi solemnly said, her eyes darting down the floor.

Minnie felt her heart pang, although there was no reason for it. Seeing Yuqi upset made her feel some sort of way, and she was ready to risk it all just to the girl's smile again.

"It's quite fun being a foreigner, especially when you can mock koreans to their face when you speak your native language." Minnie joked, and Yuqi laughed hysterically, making Minnie smile widely.

"There we go. Never lose your smile, Yuqi. It's beautiful." Minnie thought; her thoughts were spiraling quite quickly.

Yuqi felt strange, actually. Here she was, talking to a girl that spilled beer on her, and now she was sitting on her (probably) $1000 bed. Best of all, she was enjoying herself. Minnie was great company, and Yuqi found her attractive too, although she was trying to ignore that; she had just gotten over a breakup, and she was sure that Minnie was straight.

She had come out to herself as a bisexual after her mother died; she had lost any reason of denying it to herself. After her crush, she dated Lucas a couple of months after, and she hadn't thought of girls that way since, but Minnie was triggering feelings that she was having a hard time ignoring.

"Where's your mother?" Yuqi asked; Minnie's father was the only guardian here tonight. "She's out with some friends, perhaps. I can't keep up with anything she does anymore. Where's yours?" Minnie asked, and Yuqi became quiet.

"Shit, did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry!" Minnie apologized, and Yuqi grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly.

"My mother passed away when I was 13 years old." Yuqi admitted, and Minnie wrapped the younger into a hug.

"I'm really sorry for your loss, and for asking that question." Minnie apologized, and Yuqi laughed.

"Don't be, it was a long time ago. I brought it up anyways." Yuqi laughed, and Minnie felt relieved. "Thank god she doesn't hate me." Minnie thought, taking a deep breath.

"We should probably head down now, my father is gonna start asking questions." Minnie said, and Yuqi nodded.

Yuqi helped Minnie put her heels back on, and guided her down the stairs, much to Minnie's happiness. "If she would help me, I would break every bone in my body." Minnie laughed.

"There you are, Nicha. Formally introduce yourself to Mr. Song, please." Mr. Yontararak forced, and Minnie complied.

"Hello, my name is Nicha Yontararak; nice to meet you." Minnie introduced politely, and Yuqi's father bowed in return.

"Where the fuck did you go? You're so rude, Mr. Song has been waiting for a long time. You also wasted his daughter's time too. You're worthless." Mr. Yontararak whispered to Minnie harshly, in English.

Yuqi's father was only fluent in Korean alongside Mandarin, while Yuqi understood English on top of the two, hence why she heard the whole entire remark of Minnie's father, which went over Mr. Song's head.

"What an asshole! She doesn't deserve this." Yuqi gritted her teeth, and looked over to Minnie, who's eyes were glossy. Her father smiled at Mr. Song, who was busy reading over the prompts.

Minnie made eye contact with Yuqi; she knew that Yuqi heard the whole thing and understood it, based off of their love for Dua Lipa.

"Please don't say anything." Minnie mouthed, and Yuqi huffed, nevertheless nodding. She wanted to scream in his face so badly, but that wouldn't do any good, especially since her father was right here.

"I will protect her even more from now on. She needs to know that someone is willing to help her." Yuqi decided, she couldn't just leave this alone.

"The building blueprints look great, Mr. Yontararak. I'm excited for how this will turn out." Mr. Song concluded, and Mr. Yontararak smiled.

"I'm glad; that's what I'm here for. We'll meet in a couple of days to discuss further plans. Thank you for coming over, and it was nice to meet your daughter." Mr. Yontararak smirked again, and Yuqi almost threw up. Minnie looked visibly uncomfortable too.

"Hey, Yuqi." Minnie approached, shyly. "What's up?" Yuqi asked, her father was going to get her coat.

"Can I have your number? So we can be friends?" Minnie asked, stuttering slightly. "Cute." Yuqi thought.

"Yes of course. I'll text you later!" Yuqi smiled, and swapped phones with Minnie.

"Also, please don't tell anyone about the identity thing. It would cause trouble if people found out." Minnie asked, and Yuqi nodded.

"Of course. Your secret is always safe with me." Yuqi smiled, and so did Minnie. Waving goodbye, Yuqi and her father left and shut the door, leaving Minnie standing in the hallway with a large smile on her face.

12:30 pm

Yuqi's clock kept ticking, and ticking, and ticking. She couldn't fall asleep; thoughts of a certain black haired girl were keeping her up for longer than she liked.

Her phone dinged, and she grabbed it off of her nightstand. "Speak of the devil." Yuqi thought.

hey, i hope i'm not keeping you up

i was already up lol
everything alright?

more than alright, actually. thank you for your help tonight, and for taking care of me. i really really appreciate it

of course, anytime!
how is your ankle btw?

it's healing fast, thanks to you. i owe you big time for helping me. perhaps i can take you out for breakfast next weekend?

free food? hell yeah!
lol i'm just kidding, there's no need to treat me

i'm taking you out whether you like it or not, song yuqi

last name basis already?
you move hella fast. alright then, it's a date

sure is. i hope we can get to know each other better, yuqi

you as well, minnie
i enjoy your company

i'll rest now. goodnight yuqi. sweet dreams

goodnight to you too! :)


"How could someone not like her? No wonder she's so damn popular." Yuqi thought, a smile creeping onto her face.

She then fell asleep, the thought of Minnie never leaving her mind.

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