a reminder

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Yuqi awakened from her deep slumber, rubbing her eyes, when she noticed that something wasn't right.

She looked over to Minnie, who was sleeping beside her peacefully. The girl was in her bra, while Yuqi looked down and realized that she wasn't in anything.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Yuqi thought, and slowly pulled herself out of bed, but groaned when she felt a sharp pain move up her body as she walked.

"Did I get hit by a truck? My head is killing me too." Yuqi whispered to herself, walking over to her backpack and slowly (painfully) put her clothes back on.

She walked into the bathroom to freshen up, but stopped when she looked at herself in the mirror with wide eyes.

Dark purple hickies outlined her neck, as well as her collarbone and below that too. Yuqi's memory hit her like a truck, making her relive last night's fiesta one more time.

"I slept with her?! That's why my body hurts!" Yuqi thought, blushing madly at the thought of Minnie dominating her, and telling her that she owns her.

She would have never expected the sweet and innocent Minnie to pull such an act, an act that Yuqi couldn't get out of her head.

She heard groaning from the other room, their bedroom, and grabbed the medicine and some water to go give to Minnie as she woke up.

Minnie walked out of bed in her bra and underwear, grabbing her sweatpants from her bag to put on. Yuqi walked out of the kitchen with some water and meds, but she couldn't move when Minnie stared at her, in just a bra and some sweatpants.

Yuqi has never wanted someone to do her on a table more, not when Minnie looked this good.

Minnie smiled at Yuqi, who's face was burning hot.

"Good morning, Ms. Song. Last night was fun, eh?" Minnie smirked, while Yuqi looked in every other possible direction.

"Uh--he-here's you-your meds, Nicha--uh--Minnie." Yuqi stuttered, her hands shaking as she held Minnie the cup and her medicine, who happily took it.

"There's no need to stutter, Qi. I don't make you uncomfortable, do I?" Minnie asked, walking closer to Yuqi, who backed away a little.

"It's the opposite, Min. You make me feel things that I shouldn't." Yuqi thought, while shaking her head.

"No, not at all, I just..." Yuqi trailed off, while Minnie looked at her with anxiousness in her eyes, she was afraid that Yuqi would be scared of her, after her whole "I own you" act.

"I just don't want things to be weird now, that's all. I really like you, Min, and I don't want anything to ruin that." Yuqi answered honestly, while Minnie smiled brightly.

"Aw, that's so sweet. Come here, Qi." Minnie smiled, opening her arms for Yuqi, who ran into her embrace.

"You don't have to be afraid. We can take things as slow as you want, there's no rush. I'm perfectly fine with whatever we have going on right now." Minnie whispered, kissing the top of Yuqi's forehead.

Since her mother died, Yuqi hasn't been great at managing her emotions. Now was a prime example, as tears started to flow down her face, and soon, she was crying into Minnie's shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Minnie asked Yuqi, grabbing her chin gently to look her in the eyes. Seeing Yuqi upset made her feel a wrench in her gut; she would fuck up the world if that's what Yuqi wanted.

"Ever since my mom died, I haven't ever felt this loved by anyone before. My dad is barely home, and Lucas never gave me this kind of security." Yuqi admitted, her face shoving itself into Minnie's neck.

"Then I'll remind you every day then. Song Yuqi, I love you, and don't you ever think otherwise." Minnie confessed, and Yuqi looked up at her with a bright smile.

"I love you too, Min."

The next day; the lunch table, idle's signature spot

Yuqi and Shuhua were sitting at the lunch table, waiting for Minnie and Soojin.

Miyeon and Soyeon were working on a "project" for their history class, hence the absence at lunch.

"What's the deal with you and Soojin?" Yuqi asked, switching to Mandarin in hopes of keeping the conversation secret.

"She texted me really late last night." Shuhua answered, while Yuqi gasped.

"What did she say? Shuhua, come kiss me!" Yuqi mocked Shuhua, who smacked her arm, making her wince.

"No, you asshole. She just told me to come over tonight. There's probably something she needs to tell me." Shuhua responded, and Yuqi smiled.

"Hopefully she realized what an idiot she is." Yuqi stated blankly, while Shuhua rolled her eyes.

"So... did anything happen between you and Minnie? I heard from Miyeon that you two shared a room." Shuhua wiggled her eyebrows.

Memories of last nights extravaganza started to flood Yuqi's mind, and a huge blush formed on her face, just as Minnie and Soojin sat down at the table.

"Perfect timing." Yuqi sighed.

"No, of course not." Yuqi looked away from Shuhua, at Minnie, but gulped. That was a bad idea.

"Oh my god, you're lying! What happened?!" Shuhua gasped, as Minnie and Soojin looked at the two.

"We may or may not have slept together." Yuqi sighed, her volume low, but Shuhua had great hearing, much to Yuqi's dismay.

"You two fucked?! Who topped?!" Shuhua shouted, while Yuqi wanted to bury herself in a hole and never come out.

"She did." Yuqi answered, there was no point in lying anymore.

"Holy shit! That's so fucking funny, I can't." Shuhua laughed, hitting the table, while Yuqi watched her with a bright blush.

"What are you two talking about?" Soojin asked, and Shuhua was about to speak, but Yuqi kicked her from underneath the table.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Yuqi smiled grimly switching back to Korean, while Shuhua could barely contain her laughter.

"I can't breathe, Jinie, help me, please!" Shuhua cried out, tears in her eyes from laughing too hard at Yuqi's embarrassment.

Soojin smiled while looking at Shuhua. The girl hadn't called her Jinie in a long time, and she really missed that.

"Are you sure it's nothing, Qi?" Minnie whispered to Yuqi, who nodded.

"Shuhua's on another rant again about you know who, that's all." Yuqi answered, while Minnie laughed, sliding closer to said girl.

"She's quite a commodity, huh?" Minnie asked, while looking at Shuhua and Soojin, who seemed to be getting along really well, despite the circumstances.

Everything looked great again, but when there are good times, there will definitely be bad ones too.

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