Wanna have a bad time?

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"On the side note." Tony said, Sans turned his head to him. "Why so much stuff? Surely it's not just for you." Tony said, Sans glared at him. "Unless, there's more of you." Tony said.

"How about this?" Sans said and lifted up his hand. "You just leave me, seeing as how I did nothing," He snapped his fingers and his left eye became blue as two of his blasters appeared. "Then you don't have to have a Bad time." Sans said.

"Hey, I tried to be nice." Tony said and aimed his repulsors at Sans.

"Stark!" Steve yelled but it was too late. Tony fired away and so did the blaster. Sans waved his hand in a low swooping motion and the blaster firing floated forward. Black widow took Advantage of this and jumped over Tony and the blaster and was about to kick Sans but a wall of bones appeared.

"I got her!" Clint said and used the walls to jump off, grabbed Nat's arm and pulled her on the other side.

"Yesh, I haven't had to do this much work ever since the kid came by." Sans said, then Tony stopped and flew high into the air. But the blaster was still firing but the beam was now aimed at Banner. Sans made the blaster disappear and snapped his fingers again. He used blue magic to push Banner out of the way of the beam just in time.

"I think that's enough from him." Thor said as Steve held up his shield. Thor then slammed his hammer against it which caused Sans to fly back into the town and hit against a store. He groaned as he fell onto his knees. "What the-" Thor said as a bar appeared on top of Sans but instead of 1 it was now 0.005.

"Dang it." Sans said and tried to stand up but used the wall for support. The group walked over to him but Clint aimed his bow at Sans head.

"You're coming with us." Tony said, Sans sighed before standing up and a bottle of ketchup fell out of his jacket.

"Aw man, it was limited edition." Sans said before looking back at the Avengers. "Sorry, you're gonna have to book another appointment." Sans said and lifted up his hand again and snapped his fingers, again. Steven used his shield to block the bright blue light that surrounded Sans he teleported away.

"Did he teleport?" Banner asked, Nat sighed.

"Great! Not only can he talk, walk and make those weird cannons appear but he can teleport." Nat said, Steve sighed and turned around to see the blaster from before have it's mouth wide open and a child putting the bags inside of it.

"Hey kid!" Clint yelled as the child held up the last bag and turned to them. It was the one and only Frisk. "Get away from that thing!" Clint yelled, they grew nervous.

"But, it's my friend's gaster blaster." Frisk said, now it was the Avengers turn to become nervous. They put the last bag inside the blaster and ran off.

"Hey!" Tony yelled as Frisk and the blaster flew or ran different ways.

"On your left sir." Jarvis said, Tony turned to see small but hurtful rocks being thrown at them.

"Only I get to mess with the smiley trashbag!" Some yelled but had disappeared when They looked over to just see a daisy.

"Great, we lost them both." Clint said, Banner on the other hand was looking at the crater that Sans once stood in. He knelled down and put his hand on the ground only to feel it get wet. He pulled it up to reveal blood.

"Uh, Tony?" Banner asked, Tony turned to him and walked over to him.

"On it." Jarvis said and started doing some scans. "Whatever you fought sir, he was very weak." Jarvis said as Tony saw a screen that Jarvis pulled up.

"Can you get anything else?" Tony asked.

"I can but I will need time for sure." Jarvis said.

"Alright, let's go then." Tony said, clearly annoyed. They left, unaware that Frisk and Flowey were watching them.

"This is bad." Frisk said from an alleyway.

"Me and you have different versions of bad." Flowey stated.

"Yeah but, only me and Chara were able to do damage like that. You already know Sans is the strongest monster." Frisk said as she turned her head to him. He sighed in agreement.

"True." He said and looked back up at Frisk who was staring at the mountain. "Were gonna go see if that trash bag is alright, aren't we." Flowey asked, Frisk nodded and started running. Flowey sighed and followed her.

While else where....

Papyrus looked at the trail that he had expected his brother to walk up on when he came back from his errands in the small town.

"You good Pap?" Undyne asked as she passed him while carrying a box.

"Yes, just worried. Sans usually get here before sunset." Papyrus said, it was nearly sunset indeed and they still needed the ingredients that Sans was supposed to pick up to make dinner. Grillby decided to let Papyrus help if he wanted.

"Wait, is that him?" Undyne asked as a shadow walked up the hill with a blaster by them.

"Sans! Your blaster isn't used for you la-" Papyrus interrupted himself from scowling his brother when he saw just how Tired Sans was. "Sans? Is everything alright?"

"I'm cool bro. Just ran into some trouble on the way home." Sans said with sweat going down his face.

"Uh Sans." Undyne said and walked behind him. "What's with the crack?" Undyne asked.

"WHAT?!" Papyrus yelled and walked behind Sans to see the giant crack on the back of his skull with blood dripping down. "WE MUST GET YOU TO TORIEL, QUICK!" Papyrus yelled and picked up his brother by his waist and ran to the small hut that was Toriel's house.

"Why hello Papyrus." She said as she opened the door. "What's brings y-" She stopped when she saw the giant crack on Sans head. "I see, just set him on a chair." She said and got outta the way for Undyne and Papyrus to get inside.

"Guys, it's nothing." Sans said as Papyrus set him on a chair.

"Don't 'it's nothing' me, Sans!" Toriel said and stood behind him. "How long have you been like this?" Toriel asked as she put her hand on his head and her hand began to glow green.

"Not long." Sans said.

"Who would hurt Sans?" Papyrus asked as he sat on the couch while Undyne stood.

"I don't know but once I find them I will make them pay!" Undyne yelled and her spear appeared in her hand.

"Undyne, no weapons in my house please." Toriel said sternly, Undyne laughed nervously as she made it disappear.

"Sorry, but who did hurt you Sans?" Undyne asked.

"Just some humans. They want me to come with them." Sans said.

"This is what I meant Sans! But how did they hurt you so badly? You usually dodge very easily." Papyrus said, Sans looked at the ground as the door was suddenly slammed open to reveal Frisk.

"YOU FOUGHT THE AVENGERS?!" They yelled, this was going to be a long night.

A/n: again, this is just a continued version of the original

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