-02- 💋 Try To Hide

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"You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide. I know you want me. So don't keep saying our hands are tied."
~The Greatest Showman, 'Rewrite The Stars'


*Tutor's POV*

The heels of my shoes click as I walk down the hallway, my eyes sweeping over the paintings with boredom.

This is my least favorite part of my routine. Studying all the historical works of art within the castle. Father thinks I need to be familiar with the fine arts in order to successfully rule a kingdom, which I think is ridiculous.

It's not that I don't enjoy the paintings. In fact, I find them quite beautiful. I just don't enjoy being forced to study them. I'd much rather study them because I want to, not because I have to.

Unfortunately, as the prince, what I want never really seems to matter much.

That's why this is my least favorite part of the day. It feels like a constant reminder that my actions are not my own; everything I do is dictated by what my father and the court deems best.

That... and having to walk around the entire castle puts me at risk of running into him.

I hate him. I hate him for so many reasons, it's pretty ridiculous.

I hate him for always treating me like I'm a nuisance.
I hate him for looking away whenever I glance his way.
I hate that he seems to hate me.
I hate that, no matter what I do, it seems that I'll never catch his eye.

And most of all... I hate that I want to catch his eye. I hate that I haven't been able to get my mind off of him since the moment we met all those years ago.

I just... I fucking hate that I can't have him. And it all makes me hate him for it.

"Having fun, little prince?"

Speak of the devil.

I turn around, coming face to face with Fighter. My eyes twitch with the need to slowly rake over his body, taking my time to appreciate the way his sweat makes his white shirt cling to his sculpted torso. Clearly, he's been working hard today, which is evident from the sweat glistening on his fair skin, making his muscular arms shimmer under the light.

I force myself to keep my eyes on his face, although that's not much better. The sharp definitions of his features make my tongue tingle with the desire to trace over the curves of his jawline before nipping at his ear. Everything about him screams 'sex', especially the way his dark eyes pierce mine.

Fuck, I hate him.

"Don't call me that," I say flatly, keeping my voice void of emotion. I can't let him now how much he affects me, whether it be angering me or.... something else.

"What should I call you then?" He feigns innocence, taking a step closer to me. I stay rooted in my spot, refusing to be the one that backs down.

"You should call me by my title. Prince Tutor. It's what's expected of every servant," I remind him, emphasizing the last word in an attempt to rile him up.

Instead, Fighter's smile widens as he takes another step towards me. "I specifically remember you telling me not to call you that, isn't that right?"

"We were children," I deadpan. "Things are different now."

Fighter looks me up and down as he takes another step forward, now only a few inches away from me. "Yes, I can see some things are very different now," he teases, staring at me so intensely that I can feel a blush rising to my cheeks. "But some things don't change. You're still the pristine little prince you were when we met, aren't you, Tor?"

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now