-12- 💋 Between Your Thighs

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[A/N - POV changes partway through because I didn't want to split this into two chapters]

"I love when you ask me to tickle your back. You love when I reach up underneath, and grab between your thighs like that. Baby, let me rock your body, ride your body, kiss your favorite spot."
~Somo, 'We Can Make Love'


*Fighter's POV*

Staring out the window, a smile spreads across my face as I watch the sun go down. For the past few weeks, Tutor and I have been meeting at the cabin after dark. Getting to know one another, cuddling as we talk, and other activities that don't require clothing.

We haven't gone all the way yet, but not from Tutor's lack of trying. I'm not blind. I can tell Tutor has been wanting more by the way he tests my boundaries every night.

It's not that I don't want him; I want him more than I want air, or blood.

I've already taken his innocence by exposing him to the world of vampires and warlocks. I've touched him in ways that he's never been touched before; tasted the skin that no one has ever gotten close to. The last shred of his innocence I haven't ripped away is his virginity.

A sacred treasure he should give to someone he loves. Not to a lowly vampire servant like me.

Shaking off those self-deprecating thoughts, I hop in the shower and quickly wash up before getting dressed and heading towards the cabin.

The cabin is silent when I arrive, but I'm not surprised. I've been diligent about showing up before Tutor, ever since he got upset with me for being late.

Walking towards the bedroom, I sit on the bed as I patiently wait for my prince. I tap my foot nervously, looking towards the front door. Sitting only makes me feel even more nervous, so I push myself off the bed and pace around the room.

I have to end this. Tutor needs to be with someone better suited for him. That will never be me.

Realization hits me like a bucket of cold water as I remember the conversation I had with Saifah a few weeks ago.

"Apparently, the king is making him choose a wife soon. Tutor's not happy about it, either. Poor guy doesn't really have a choice."

How has that extremely important detail escaped my memory? I've been allowing myself to fall for a man who will one day marry someone else, and that day may not even be very far in the future.

What Tutor and I are doing... it can't continue. I can't risk him getting attached to me. The last thing I want is for him to get hurt once his father marries him off. It's better to end things now, before love complicates everything.

If anyone is going to get hurt for falling in love, it should be me. I'm already a lost cause, but I can still save Tutor from my same fate.

The door creaks open, causing my head to snap up in the direction of the noise. Tutor quickly steps into the cabin before quietly closing the door behind him. As soon as he turns and sees me, his plump pink lips turn up into a smile.

My mouth goes dry, unable to bring up the sour topic that would inevitably ruin this night as Tutor saunters over to me. Placing his hand on my chest, he leans in to press his lips softly to mine.

"I'm going to wash up," Tutor tells me, rubbing his nose against my cheek. "I won't be long."

He slowly begins to strip, leaving behind a trail of clothing that leads to the bathroom. When he turns around, I get a perfect view of his mouth-watering round ass. My cock is instantly hard, and my fangs ache with the desire to sink into the plump flesh.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now