-29- 💋 Hold Onto You

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"And I will hold, I'll hold onto you. No matter what this world'll throw, it won't shake me loose."
~Andy Grammer, 'Don't Give Up On Me'


*Tutor's POV*

The palace is bustling with life and excitement, but all I feel is dread knotting in my stomach.

Why did Fighter have to find me in the cabin? The night before my wedding? Now, my head is even more fucked up than it already was. I had been slowly getting better at focusing on other things these past few weeks, but seeing Fighter last night just derailed all my progress. I'm a complete mess inside, without my love here to comfort me.

I really hope Fighter stays safe, so all of this heartache isn't for nothing.

"Prince Tutor!" A familiar voice calls out, and I have to restrain myself from groaning.

"What is it, Tee?" I ask annoyedly. Ever since discovering that Tee was the one who told my father about my relationship with Fighter, I've been trying to avoid Tee like the plague. Not that it's easy, considering he's my personal advisor.

"We need to start getting you ready for the ceremony," Tee informs me, pushing his glasses up onto his nose. "The royal tailors are here to assist you on your big day."

This time, I actually snort. My big day. Yeah, like this wedding is anything I'm actually looking forward to. With a sigh, I follow Tee to the library, that has been taken over by the royal tailors. Large mirrors stand in a semi-circle, with a short platform in front for me to stand on. Two dividers are lined up together to create a private changing area. I roll my eyes. They could have chosen anywhere in the palace to help me get ready, and they chose the library. Why? Because the royal tailors are eccentric and don't enjoy doing anything normally.

"Your Highness!" One of the tailors chirps cheerily. "We have your suit ready for you. Let's begin, shall we?"

I nod numbly, stepping behind a divider to start stripping. Once I'm down to my boxers, a tailor comes around to help me get dressed.

"Oh, my prince! You forgot to take your... jewelry off," he says, looking at my crystal necklace with an odd expression.

"The necklace stays on," I inform him coldly, clutching the necklace tightly to keep him from trying to take it away. I promised I would wear this necklace for as long as I loved Fighter, and I intend to keep it.

"But, sir—"

"The necklace. Stays. On," I growl lowly, glowering at the tailor. He swallows thickly and nods his head before quickly grabbing my suit. The suit, which was hand-picked by the royal tailors, is one that I have seen several royal men wear for their weddings in the past few years. They didn't offer to let me give my input, and frankly, I didn't care enough to ask.

The white suite is made entirely of satin and silk, with gold accents lining the lapels and vest. My necklace is tucked beneath my clothes, pressing to my bare chest as if Fighter is right here with me.

 My necklace is tucked beneath my clothes, pressing to my bare chest as if Fighter is right here with me

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Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now