-07- 💋 Burn For You

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[A/N - Do yourself a favor and play the song]

"I'm gonna start a fire. You're gonna feel the heat. I'm gonna burn for you. You're gonna melt for me."
~Garrett Hedlund, 'Give Into Me'


*Fighter's POV*

Staring up at Tutor, I can't believe the words that just casually slipped past his lips.

"I meant what I said. You're not running away from me again."

"Tor," I sigh, although I almost want to smile when he doesn't correct me for the nickname. "You don't understand what you're asking for."

"Do not treat me like a child," Tutor rolls his eyes. "I understand how I feel about you. Did I misunderstand how you feel about me?"

"No, but—"

"But nothing! I'm tired of people making decisions for me. If I want to be with you, then I'm going to be with you. Case closed," he crosses his arms, standing tall and firm.

I grin at him. "Case closed, huh?" Tutor nods. "What if I don't want to be with you? Hm?"

Expecting him to falter, I'm pleasantly surprised when mischief gleams in his eyes instead. He slides off the bed, keeping his eyes locked on mine as he makes his way over to my lap. I gulp, suddenly very aware that I'm only wearing a towel.

His movements are slow, like a seductive dance as he swings one leg over my lap, straddling me. Resting his hands on my bare chest, he dips his head down until we're only inches apart. I don't dare move, letting him have complete control over the situation.

Tutor lightly bites down on his plump bottom lip; his dark golden eyes narrowed with lust. I can feel myself already hardening under my towel just from the way his eyes are burning into my soul.

"If you don't want to be with me..." Tutor starts in a low, husky voice that makes my cock ache beneath his weight. "Then it looks like I'll just have to convince you."

Placing his fingers under my chin, he tilts my head up, teasing me with his lips that are just out of reach. I strain forward, desperate to taste him. Tutor pulls back just enough to keep his lips hovering over mine without them actually touching.

"You want me," he muses with a small grin. "You want me to kiss you, don't you?"


I push my head closer to him, surprising myself when a small whine escapes me as Tutor continues to dodge my lips.

"You want me," Tutor repeats, lowering his voice to a whisper. "Admit it, Fight."

His hands travels up to my lips, and I can't resist kissing his soft palm. Tutor smiles at me, slowly grinding himself on my erection. My breathing picks up as I feel my control slipping. My hands find their way to his waist, holding onto him as he works himself on my lap.

I'm sorry, Tutor... but I'm at my limit.

"I want you," I admit in a strained voice. Tutor's smile widens and then he's on me in a second, lips pressed hungrily to mine.

His hands slide into my hair, gripping tightly. Wrapping my arms around him, I run my hands up the back of his shirt, moaning at the feeling of his smooth skin on my hands. Tutor slips his tongue into my mouth, making me nearly dizzy with pleasure.

"Ngh," I can't contain my moans, especially when Tutor begins sucking on my tongue. He releases my tongue, traveling his lips down to my neck. I crane my head to the side as Tutor roams my throat, suckling and bitting wherever he pleases.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now