-20- 💋 Takes Me To Paradise

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"Cause your sex takes me to paradise. Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise. And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause you make me feel like, I've been locked out of Heaven, for too long, for too long."
~Bruno Mars, 'Locked Out Of Heaven'


*Tutor's POV*

"Oh my god!" My eyes roll back into my head from the immense pleasure coursing through my body.

"Fuck, you feel so good," Fighter moans, gripping my hips as I bounce eagerly in his lap. With one hand placed on his throat, I brush my thumb over his Adam's apple, feeling the vibrations of every guttural groan that leaves his lips.

My thighs ache as I move myself up and down, but I can't bring myself to stop. The feeling of his cock stretching my tight hole is too addictive, like I may go crazy without this sensation for the rest of my life.

I feel a bead of sweat drip down the back of my neck, trailing along the curvature of my lower back. Fighter's hands move from my hips to my ass, spreading me wider as he begins to thrust up into me.

"S-So deep! I fucking love this, holy shit." Moans are pouring past my lips as we vigorously make love to commemorate our two month anniversary.

An anniversary that I wasn't aware we were celebrating, but there's no way in hell I'm complaining.

Pausing for breath, I lean back and place my hands on the mattress behind me, bending my legs and placing my feet flat on the bed on either side of Fighter. He watches me with curious brown eyes that flash red and roll back when I lower myself down once more.

My hips rock up and down, taking Fighter deeper than before. The new position causes his cock to brush against my bundle of nerves, making precum spill from my tip.

"Tor!" Fighter cries out my name as I pleasure his thick cock with my wet hole. I smirk at him as I tilt my head back, exposing my glistening throat as I fuck myself on his cock. "I'm c-close!"

"Me too," I pant, sweat causing my hair to stick to my forehead. "Flip."

That's all the instruction he needs to sit up, raising my legs off the bed. I fall flat on my back as Fighter quickly shifts onto his knees, placing my legs on his shoulders as he thrusts back into me.

"God, yes!" I scream as he slams into my prostate. I can feel every inch of him sliding along the muscles of my channel; the heavy drag of his cock making me see stars.

"You're so hot inside, you feel incredible," Fighter praises with a groan. He turns his head to the side, pressing open mouthed kisses to my leg. I mewl and whine, wordlessly begging for more.

Fighter's fangs drop down as his eyes glow red, the sight alone pushing me closer to my release. He snarls before sinking his fangs into my leg as he pounds into me even harder, and I scream from the sudden explosion of pleasure. Cum shoots from my swollen tip, painting my chest as I clench around him. My eyes roll when I feel Fighter release right after me, his warm seed filling me up.

After making sure I'm okay, Fighter makes quick work of cleaning my body of cum, and wiping away the blood on my leg. Once he's satisfied with his work, he sinks down into the bed, resting his head on my chest and flinging an arm over me. I wrap my arms around him, snuggling him close as I pet his silky hair.

His fingers trace my skin around the crystal neckless that rests against my chest. I smile as I look at the beautiful gift, heart warming at the reminder of Fighter's love and devotion. A necklace made to protect me from harm.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now