-04- 💋 My Own Light

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[A/N - Thank you for 1k reads!]

"Just let me be myself, so I can shine with my own light. Let me be myself. Would you let me be myself?"
~3 Doors Down, 'Let Me Be Myself'


*Tutor's POV*

There are very few days that I look forward to. Holidays and birthdays are always fun, and they are some of my favorite days of the year. My father usually takes those days off from doing any work, so we get to act like we're a normal family.

Beyond that, I'm always jumping out of my skin whenever my father calls for the noble families to come visit. He always locks himself away for the day with the court and the families, but honestly I'm not too concerned about whatever they're discussing.

As long as Zon and Hwa aren't required to join them, I'm more than content. My only friends in the world; the ones I can mostly let my guard down around. We met in middle school — at least, our version of middle school, which is really just the three of us sitting in the royal palace, being taught by an extremely cranky old woman.

"Your highness," Tee grabs my attention. "Your guests are arriving."

"Thank you, Tee," I respond politely, adjusting my cream suit jacket and following him to the grand hall. My father is already waiting for us there, standing tall and regal as ever. I take my place next to him, mimicking his stance.

The doors open, and a group of the most snobbishly rich nobles are ushered in. I spot Zon and Hwa walking in behind their parents, and I suppress an eye roll. Of course their families would push them to the back of the group.

"Your majesty," Zon's father bows, followed by the rest of the nobles and members of the court. My father inclines his head with a small smile. They then turn to me, and repeat the process. "Your highness."

My father glances my way. "Tutor, you are excused. Please escort Lord Zon and Lady Hwa Hwa with you."

"Yes, father," I respectfully reply. I walk past the crowd, nodding at Zon and Hwa for them to follow me. They bow, as is the custom no matter how much I hate it, and follow along behind me.

As soon as we reach my room, I click the lock and the smile I have been suppressing spreads across my face.

"Zon! Hwa! I'm really glad to see you both," I say as I pull each of them in for a hug.

Hwa squeals, hugging me so tight that we both go sprawling backwards onto my bed. We laugh together as I try to push Hwa off of me, but she establishes her dominance by pinning my wrists to the bed.

That's one of the things I love about Hwa. She's expected to be elegant and poised, like the rest of the noble women in the country. And yet, she has found away to stay true to herself, not letting the men walk all over her.

Hwa decided long ago that she wasn't going to live by other's expectations. She'll be respectful to our elders and, of course, my father. But she won't do anything that compromises her ideals and beliefs.

She's absolutely gorgeous, and she knows it. But she doesn't use her beauty as a means of making herself superior to others.

If she holds her head high and proud, it's because she's truly proud of who she is. Not because she was trained to. Not like me.

I wish I could be more like her. Being who I want to be, no matter where I am. There are only two places I can be myself: my bedroom, and my secret escape that no one else knows about.

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