-05- 💋 Jealous

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[A/N - Thank you for 2k reads! That was quick lol]

"I'm jealous of the rain that falls upon your skin. It's closer than my hands have been. I'm jealous of the rain."
~Labrinth, 'Jealous'


*Fighter's POV*

The sun's heated rays hit my back as a bead of sweat rolls down my abdomen. It's just barely turning from dawn to day, and judging by how hot it is right now, I can tell we're in for a scorching afternoon.

After what happened yesterday, I threw myself into my work. I've been working nonstop since the moment I left Tutor's room, after seeing Lady Hwa Hwa on top of him. On top of my Tutor. I worked through the entire night, trying to get that image out of my head to no avail.

It's already the next day, and I'm still fucking annoyed.

With a heavy sigh, I decide to head back inside and try to rest for a bit. I grab my shirt off the ground and fling it over my shoulder before making my way back into the palace.

I snatch a blood bag out of the small fridge in my room before plopping down onto my bed; throwing my dirty shirt on the floor. Right as I'm lifting the tubing to my lips, there's a knock on my door.

"Come in," I call out as I quickly hide the blood bag beneath a pillow. Saifah cracks the door open, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's just me," Saifah grins, walking into my room. He nods his head towards the pillow. "You can go ahead and eat if you need to."

"That's okay, I can eat later," I wave him off. Saifah says he's okay with watching me feed, but I still see the way he flinches whenever I do. "Did you need something?"

"Did you hear the news? About Prince Tutor?"

My body stiffens as I sit up straight. "What about him?"

"Apparently, the king is making him choose a wife soon," Saifah informs me, unaware of how that single sentence knocks the wind out of me. "Tutor's not happy about it, either. Poor guy doesn't really have a choice."

"How do you know that?" I croak, my throat suddenly feeling very dry.

"I overheard them last night. I was walking by the library and I heard the king tell Tutor that he's going to have to get married soon. Tutor was so upset that he didn't even acknowledge me after nearly knocking me over in the hallway. He just ran out of the palace."

"Where is he now?" I ask him, physically restraining my eyes from turning red.

"Last I saw him, he was headed back up to his room..." Saifah's voice trails off as I roughly push myself off my bed and storm out of the room. "Where are you going without a shirt on? Fighter, you need to eat!"

Ignoring him, I rush upstairs towards Tutor's room. A handful of palace staff whisper and stare as I pass by them, but I don't pay any attention to them. My focus is on one thing, and one thing only.

I fling the door to Tutor's bedroom open without bothering to knock. Tutor yelps and looks up at me, his eyes widening.

"Fighter? What the hell!" He hisses, covering his bare chest with the shirt in his hands. "You need to knock! I was getting dressed!"

"Is it true?" I demand, stepping closer to him.

"I-Is what true?" Tutor stammers, eyes flicking down to my own bare torso before refocusing on my face.

"Are you getting married?"

Tutor's expression hardens. Grabbing my arm, he pulls me further into the room before slamming the door shut. "Keep your voice down! Not everyone in the palace knows. How do you even know?"

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now