-15- 💋 Trembling

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[A/N - Double update?? Who am I??]

"Anytime you want it, I'm ready and willing, gotta give it. I start to lick on your body, you go to trembling."
~Chris Brown, 'Wet The Bed'


*Tutor's POV*

"You have to eat the heart of the one you love the most."

I feel the blood drain from my face. The person Fighter loves the most... I'm not going to feign ignorance and pretend I don't know what that would mean for him.

To become an immortal vampire, Fighter would have to kill me.

His grip on my waist tightens as he looks at me with pain-filled eyes. "That's why I pushed you away for so long. Yes, there was the threat of your father, but if that was the only issue, I probably still would have pursued you long ago. After witnessing the ritual, knowing I would one day be forced to kill the one I loved, I decided from that day that I would never fall in love. What I didn't plan on... was meeting you. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that I would want you until the day I died. I hoped that if I kept my distance, you would be unaware of my existence, and my feelings would eventually fade. Obviously, I was a fool for thinking that was even possible. I was destined to love you."

A messy mixture of emotions swirl in my head as I process everything Fighter told me. My heart flutters whenever he says he loves me, but my stomach is clenching with fear. But he ran away over a decade ago, so would it be safe to assume Fighter won't have to complete the ritual? If his father hasn't found him by now, he most likely never will.

I cup his face, brushing our noses together. "And I was destined to love you, always. I am not afraid of your love for me, nor am I afraid of your father."

Fighter chuckles, but it's strained. "I'm happy you're not afraid of me, but my father isn't a threat to be taken lightly. Even so, I will do everything I can to protect you. And I know Saifah and Xan would too."

Smiling, I lightly peck his nose. "I know. Thank you, Fight. I will use all my power within the kingdom to keep your father from getting to you. He won't find us, I promise."

Fighter smiles and tilts his head up, and I lean down to meet him for a kiss. Our lips press together softly as we seal our promises. My fingers entangle in his dark hair as I deepen the kiss, parting his lips with my tongue. He moans instantly, wrapping his arms around me to press me flush against his body.

"Tor," he whispers against my lips.

"Let me take your mind off of everything for a bit. Hm?" I propose, slowly rolling my hips forward to grind on him.

Fighter whimpers as a response, bucking his prominent erection against me. With a triumphant grin, I capture his lips in a heated kiss, immediately shoving my tongue into his mouth and tasting every inch of him. His hands find my ass, kneading me there and making me moan into his mouth. Slipping his hands down the back of my pants, his fingers dig into my ass. I kiss him with a renewed ferocity, giving him everything I have.

Fighter shudders a groan before moving his lips down to my neck. My head falls back as I relish the feeling of his lips against my throat, tongue darting out every so often.

"Clothes. Off," Fighter grunts in between kisses. I stand for only a few seconds to discard my pants and underwear before yanking Fighter's underwear away. I'm about to climb back into his lap when an idea pops into my head, and I pause with a smile.

"Lean against the headboard," I order. Fighter gives me a quizzical look, but one stern look from me has him obeying without question.

Once he's situated, sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard, my heart leaps with glee as I head towards the closet. I rummage through my possessions before pulling out two items, bringing them to the bed.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now