-27- 💋 Everything I Need

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[A/N - enjoy some SaiZon love to take a break from the sadness. POV changes partway through]

"As long as I got you and me, moving through this world as a two-man team, I'll always have everything I need."
~James TW, 'You & Me'


*Zon's POV*

When my father told me that he would be helping plan Tutor and Hwa's wedding, I was stunned silent. My two best friends are getting married? What about Fighter? I thought they were in love.

I've tried talking to Tutor about it, but he emotionally shuts down whenever the topic is brought up. Even if we're not talking about the wedding, Tutor has completely changed. I haven't seen a genuine smile from him in a while, and it kills me to know my best friend is hurting so badly.

"The wedding will be in two weeks," Hwa tells me, folding her arms over her chest.

My eyes bulge. "Two weeks? Why so soon?"

"Why not?" Tutor counters flatly. "We have no reason to wait. There's no point in delaying the inevitable."

"Oh, how I love when you talk so sweetly, darling," Hwa says sarcastically. "I know you're not psyched about this wedding, but could you not act like getting married to me is the worst thing in the world?"

Tutor sighs, leaning back on his bed. "I'm sorry. If I do have to get married to a woman, I'm glad it's to my best friend."

Hwa is satisfied with that answer, beaming happily. Still, I feel uneasy as I observe how sunken Tutor's face is, as if he's been losing weight lately.

"Tutor," I start carefully. "Do you want to talk about Fighter?"

His back stiffens. "What about him?"

"Don't be like that, Tutor," Hwa whines. "You know what we're talking about. You didn't have to break up with him."

"Yes I did," he snaps, taking me by surprise since Tutor has never gotten angry with me or Hwa before. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"You guys could've fought to make it work, exhausted every option before giving up."

"It wouldn't have worked! He—" Tutor stops in the middle of his sentence to inhale deeply. "He's better off without me."

I furrow my brows. "Why would you think that? Fighter loves you."

"He shouldn't," he grumbles, picking at his bed sheet. "It'd be better for him if he didn't love me."

"I don't understand," Hwa shakes her head. "You guys were perfect together."

"Not according to my father," Tutor points out bitterly. "And Tee said I shouldn't be with someone so far beneath my status. I don't know, maybe it's better this way. Fighter won't have to deal with people looking down on him if he's not with me."

My stomach twists into a knot. I haven't told my friends about Saifah. First of all, it's no one's business but ours. Second of all, I'm not even sure what I would say to them. Am I gay? I'm don't know... but I know I'm not exactly straight either.

I have feelings for Saifah. That's all I know, and I'm okay with that.

But now, hearing what Tutor just said, I'm worried that I'm not doing the right thing for Saifah. Will he eventually be unhappy if we stay together? Can we stay together? How long will it be before my parents try to tear us apart, just like what Tutor's father did to him and Fighter?

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now