-10- 💋 Down Low

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[A/N - Play the song for the entire chapter]

"Oh, turn the lights, turn the lights down low. Yeah, now I'm feeling you breathing slow. 'Cause, baby, we're just reckless kids, trying to find an island in the flood."
~MAX, 'Lights Down Low'


*Tutor's POV*

My back hits the soft mattress when Fighter all but throws me onto the bed. He stands at the edge of the bed, eyeing me as if I'm his next meal.

I should be scared, having a vampire look at me like he wants to eat me up.

Instead, I spread my legs as an open invitation.

The action causes Fighter's eyes to flash from red to brown, and my pants start to feel a bit too tight for comfort.

Raising my hand, I crook a finger for him to come closer to me. Keeping his heated eyes on me, Fighter slowly crawls on the bed. Once he's halfway up my body, I press my hand against his chest with a smile.

Fighter catches on, grinning as his hands find my zipper. He yanks my pants down, along with my underwear, leaving my aching cock exposed to him.

I gasp when Fighter drags his hot tongue from my balls to my leaking tip. Moaning, I spread my legs wider for him as he engulfs my entire length into his mouth.

"Fuck," my eyes roll back as he works my cock with his silky tongue. I grip his hair, encouraging him swallow me whole. "T-That's it, baby," I praise him breathlessly. "That feels amazing."

Fighter smiles around my cock, bobbing his head up and down, making my mind fuzzy with pleasure. He seems so pleased with the praise, and it sends a thrill down my spine. A coil tightens in my stomach, and I know I'm too close way too soon.

"Stop," I command, and Fighter obediently releases my cock from his mouth. The corners of my lips twitch up in a smile that he's so obedient to my orders.

Sitting up, I remove the last of my clothing before gesturing to Fighter's fully clothed body.

"Strip," I tell him, watching with delight as his cheeks flush. He keeps his eyes locked with mine as he removes every article of clothing until he's completely bare. My eyes rake over his toned, muscular body.

He's gorgeous beyond words. And he's mine.

"Come here," I say in a much softer tone, holding my arms out. Fighter doesn't hesitate to fall into my embrace, kissing me with everything he has.

Our bare skin presses together, and I wrap my legs around his waist. I suck on his tongue, eliciting a deep moan that makes my cock leak between our bodies.

Breaking the kiss, I grab Fighter's hand and bring it to my lips. He watches me with heated eyes as I draw two fingers into my mouth. My tongue swirls around his fingers, thoroughly wetting them as I moan happily.

"Fuck, Tor, who taught you to be so goddamn sexy?" Fighter groans huskily.

Once his fingers are satisfactorily wet, I withdraw his hand from my mouth, directing it lower. Fighter's eyes widen and I give him a small nod and a smile.

Fighter presses his fingertips to my entrance, making me whine with need.

"Fight, please," I plead, pushing my ass back onto his fingers.

He slides one finger in, and I wrap my hands around my legs to keep myself open for him. Fighter moves his finger in and out of my channel slowly, building up my frustration.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now