-06- 💋 Nightmare

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"I had a dream I got everything I wanted. Not what you'd think, and if I'm being honest it might've been a nightmare."
~Billie Eilish, 'everything i wanted'


*Tutor's POV*

I don't leave my room for the rest of the day.

Despite Tee constantly reminding me of my duties, I brush him off by faking feeling sick. Either I'm a really good liar, or Tee senses that I need to be left alone, because he stops bothering me for the remainder of the day.

I must be a pretty comical sight: the crown prince curled up on his bed, crying like a teenage girl that just got dumped.

Only I didn't get dumped, because we were never actually together.

My head is still spinning from the events that occurred a few hours ago. I spent years believing Fighter hated me, and then he kisses me? And not just a small peck on the lips; no, he kissed me like he would kiss his lover.

He wanted me, and I had the evidence of that pressed firmly against my hip earlier today.

But then he pushed me away, like he always does. Only this time, he took it way too far. Innocent teasing is one thing. Shoving his tongue down my throat and then running away is another.

And he said he was jealous that I'm getting married! I'm not even engaged yet, and he came storming in here like a cavemen claiming his territory.

As the cherry on top, he riled me up and then ditched me, leaving me with the blue balls of the century.

I make a mental note to take a trip to the cabin after everyone's gone to bed.

Part of me wants to chase after Fighter and demand that he tells me why he kissed me in the first place. If he knew he was going to push me away, why kiss me at all and mess with my head? But another part of me, the rational part, says that I shouldn't have to chase after a man who's likely to hurt me again.

I lay in bed, watching the sun go down until the stars begin to appear. Peeking my head out into the hallway, I check to make sure the coast is clear before tiptoeing down the stairs. Fortunately, it seems that everyone has retired to their quarters for the night, so I should be in the clear to sneak to the gardens.

I make my way to the gardens as silently and quickly as I can. The cool night air feels refreshing on my skin, and I stop for a moment to breathe it in.

Following the familiar trail to the cabin, I walk slowly, allowing myself to appreciate what a nice night it is. The flowers are in bloom, the stars above me are twinkling, the rabbits are hopping around...

Wait, rabbits?

Since when do we have rabbits in the garden?

I stop, kneeling down to get a closer look at the rabbit. He almost seems like he's... limping. His black fur is wet, and I reach towards him. He flinches, trying to scurry away as fast as he can with his injured leg.

Is he scared of me?

"It's okay," I coo gently. "I'm not going to hurt you."

My soothing words seem to reach the rabbit somehow, as he stops struggling and settles with laying on the ground. I brush my fingers over the wet patch of fur on his legs, the liquid turning my fingertips red.


I carefully scoop the injured rabbit into my arms, cradling him without hurting his leg.

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