-35- 💋 Today And Everyday

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[A/N - Wait to play the song 💋]

"Promise me you'll always be happy by my side. I promise to sing to you when all the music dies. And marry me, today and everyday."
~Train, 'Marry Me'


*Fighter's POV*

| 1 Year Later |

If someone had told me two years ago that I would one day be pacing the halls of the palace, stomach twisted with nerves as I wear a custom-made black tux, I would've bared my fangs at them for playing with my heart.

I fiddle with the ring in my pocket, the one encrusted with shards of the crystal necklace I once gifted to my lover. No, not my lover.

The man that's going to become my husband in less than an hour.

With all the darkness that I used to carry with me, I never could have dreamed that I would be marrying someone so good and pure. Tutor is the light where there was none, illuminating the way out of the darkness I was once buried in.

"Fighter!" Saifah shouts, shoulder slumping in relief when he sees me from down the hall. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you. You make me look really bad as your best man when you go missing an hour before the wedding. You know that, right?"

I chuckle, walking over to my frazzled best friend. "Calm down. I just needed a few minutes to myself."

"Second thoughts?"

Saifah yelps when I smack the back of his head, effectively shutting him up.

"No," I scowl, crossing my arms thoughtfully. "I was thinking about how much my life has changed in the past year. I used to be a fledgling who came here as a servant in order to hide from my father. Other than you and Xan, I had no family or friends. I thought I was darkness incarnate, but Tutor proved me wrong. He gave me more love than I thought was possible, and now look at me. A full family, a loving husband-to-be. But most of all, I'm happy for the first time since my mother died. I was just taking a moment to reflect on how fortunate I am."

"Damn," Saifah sniffles, trying to blink away tears. "You didn't have to make me all emotional like that."

Laughing, I bump my side against his. "Anyway, how are things on your end? Are you set for tonight?"

A smile spreads across his face; the tears forgotten. "Everything's ready."

"You have the ring?"

"No shit," Saifah rolls his eyes. "It'd be weird to propose without one."

"He's going to say yes," I assure him. "Zon loves you."

"I know," he grins cockily. "I wouldn't be proposing if I wasn't sure he loved me. Actually, I take that back. I'd probably propose every day until he fell in love with me and accepted."

"As long as I get to be the best man in your wedding, I'm fine with however you did it."

Saifah's eyes widen. "Dammit, Fighter! You distracted me! I'm supposed to get you outside to the car. It's time to head over."

Inhaling deeply to calm my nerves, I follow Saifah outside to the awaiting car. After a lot of pestering, we were finally able to convince Tutor's father to move onto the more modern possessions. Instead of carriages, we're now using actual cars. We even got him a cell phone, although he keeps claiming that the keys are too small for him to see.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now