-18- 💋 Everything's Magic

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"Just sit back and hold on, but hold on tight. Prepare for the best and the fastest ride. And reach out your hand, and I'll make you mine. Everything, everything's magic."
~Angels and Airwaves, 'Everything's Magic'


*Saifah's POV*

The palace staff is bustling with the news that the courts will be arriving today for a meeting with the king. I, of course, have been given a list of tasks to complete to ready the palace. Glancing over my shoulder to make sure no one is watching, I send some magic out from my fingertips to dust all the bookshelves in the library.

I grin in satisfaction over not having to strain my lazy ass with cleaning.

"You should be more careful," a voice makes me jump. "You never know who's watching."

"Dad, you scared the hell out of me," I breathe out, placing a hand dramatically over my heart.

My dad grins, adjusting his glasses as he comes to stand by me. "I do mean that, though. You shouldn't be so reckless with your powers."

"What's the big deal? The king has known about our powers ever since we came to live here. Why do we have to hide?"

"Not everyone in the palace is aware of our abilities," he reminds me. "We don't want to attract any unwanted attention."

"Attention? From who?"

My dad grows serious as he clasps his hands behind his back. "There are threats out there who feed on power. If they sense ours, they will come here, and who knows what kind of havoc they will reek. It's best to keep our powers contained, especially around the humans."

I nod my head slowly, still not understanding what kind of threats my dad would be referring to. We've always lived in peace; who would disturb that now?

"Anyway, Tee has informed me that you are to be serving the prince and his guests today," dad states, causing my brows to furrow.

"Me? Isn't Fighter usually assigned to the prince when he has guests?"

My dad shrugs. "All I know is that Tee specifically requested that you attend to them today. So, go back to your room and change out of your dirty clothes," he wrinkles his nose in distaste that I'm still wearing my pajamas from last night. "The guests will be arriving shortly."

I head to my room, which doesn't take much time as my strides are twice as long as anyone else's. I've never minded being tall; it makes it harder for anyone to try and intimidate me. Not that many have actually tried. Generally, I get along well with others.

There is one person, however, that never fails to glare at me like an angry kitten.

His small glares pale in comparison to the bright blush that always graces his cheeks. I may not know him very well yet, but I do know how much I love it whenever he blushes.

With a grin on my face, I shed my clothes and hop into the shower. I clean up rather quickly, not wanting to accidentally be late and get an ear-full from Tee. Once I'm finished getting dressed, I decide to head over to Fighter's room.

His door is wide open as he kneels over, tying his shoes. I lean against the doorframe before clearing my throat. Fighter looks up at me and instantly grins.

"Hey, Sai," he greets me. "How are you?"

I snort. "How am I? Geez, you're in a good mood today. Things are going well with the prince, I assume?"

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