-31- 💋 Live And Let Live

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Shout out to Pottergirlkim for being my first patron on Patreon! 🖤🖤🖤

[A/N - warning: violence]

"And though I will die long before that morning comes, I'll die while believing still it will come when I am gone. Someday, when we are wiser, when the world's older, when we have learned. I pray, someday we may yet live, to live and let live."
~Hunchback of Notre Dame, 'Someday'


*Fighter's POV*

I thought the worst moment of my life was when Tutor left me.

But I was wrong.

This is.

My father has his hand wrapped firmly around Tutor's throat, while Xan is struggling to regain his strength on the floor. The wound on his neck is still bleeding, making him too weak to use his magic. All the while, I'm nailed to the damn floor with a wooden stake that's burning my flesh.

"You," Ruen points to Saifah, who's kneeling beside his dad. "You're a warlock, yes?" Saifah gulps and nods, making my father smile. "Good. I'm going to take this stake out of my son. You're going to use your magic to keep him restrained, or I'm going to kill your dad. Got it?"

Saifah glances over to me and I nod once, letting him know it's okay. He needs to do whatever it takes to protect the man who raised us both. Keeping his hand firmly around Tutor's throat, Ruen uses his free hand to grasp the stake and rip it out of my shoulder.

"Fuck!" I shout in pain, immediately applying pressure to the wound on my shoulder. Ruen, with his strength far exceeding my own, grabs me by the front of my shirt and forces me to my feet.

"Now," Ruen commands. Saifah mouths 'sorry' before raising his hands; his eyes flashing purple. I'm suddenly immobilized, only able to breathe and blink. My lips are frozen together, leaving me unable to speak beyond muffled whimpers.

Being certain that I won't be a hinderance, Ruen releases his hold on me. My spine remains rigid, holding me upright. Ruen smiles wickedly, stepping over to where Xan is still recovering on the floor. He grabs a handful of Xan's hair, yanking him to his feet.

"Don't!" Tutor shouts under the weight of Ruen's hand clamped around his throat. I watch helplessly as Ruen tightens his hold on Tutor, making him gasp for breath.

"Choose," Ruen orders me sternly. "How about we make this easy for you? Blink twice to kill your lover, or blink thrice to kill your replacement father."

I keep my eyes open, staring defiantly back at the man who lost his right to ever call himself to my father. Ruen glares at me, eyes glowing brighter as he bares his fangs.

"Don't act like a petulant child!" He snarls. "How about I do the heavy lifting for you? Choose one, and I'll drain them of blood until they're nearly dead. Then, all you would have to do is eat their heart. See? You would be doing them a favor by putting them out of their misery. That's not so bad, is it?"

My angered protests are muffled as I desperately try to curse him. He's delusional if he thinks I would ever make that choice.

"Fighter," Tutor chokes out through gasped breath. "It's okay. Choose me."

Ruen tilts his head curiously as I attempt to shout in protest. My father loosens his grip on Tutor's throat ever so slightly, just enough to make it easier for him to breathe.

"It's okay," Tutor repeats with a shaky smile, tears filling his eyes. "Saifah needs his father. You need Xan. He can't be the one to die."

But I need you.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now