-33- 💋 Another Shot At Love

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"We should be naughty, connect our bodies. You know I'm on it, I'm on my knee. Let's start it up, another shot at love, can't get enough. We can just work it out, up and down, sweat it out, make up sex."
~SoMo, 'Make Up Sex'


*Fighter's POV*

After paying for two nights at the inn, I carry Tutor up to our room. The innkeeper gave as an odd look; whether it was because I'm cradling another man, or simply because we're dressed in dark robes, I couldn't be sure. Nevertheless, I don't pay any mind to peering eyes and whispered voices. The only thing that holds my attention is my beautiful lover in my arms.

The door slams behind us, and I waste no time setting Tutor down and pushing him against the wall. It's been too long since I've tasted him, and I can't wait any longer.

Our lips crash together in an ardent kiss, making us both moan in satisfaction. My eyes grow watery from the sheer amount of joy I feel from being able to reclaim the lips of my love. Our cloaks fall to the ground in a puddle by our feet as our hands begin to roam along one another's bodies.

Tutor fists my hair, tugging roughly and making me growl. Lifting him from under his thighs, I wrap his legs around my waist and slam him against the wall. Tutor groans, giving me the chance to slip my tongue into his mouth. Tutor sucks on my tongue as he uses his legs to grind up and down, and lewd images flash through my mind of what it would be like to fuck him in this position.

"Fighter..." Tutor moans my name, driving me crazy. My lips travel down to his neck, biting and suckling the areas that I know are the most sensitive. I drag my tongue along his throat, licking up the remaining dried blood. The taste is so sweet and addicting, causing my fangs to elongate with the desire to reopen the puncture wounds on his neck and get my fill. I force my fangs back, knowing this isn't the time to do that.

Pulling away from the wall, I carry Tutor to the bathroom before setting him down on the counter. I turn on the shower, making sure the temperature isn't hot enough to burn him. I yank his soiled white coat down his arms before ripping off his vest.

"Arms up," I instruct. Tutor grins and lifts his arms, allowing me to lift his shirt over his head. I start to remove his necklace, but he grabs my wrist.

"Don't," Tutor tells me. "I promised I would wear this for as long as I love you, and that's what I'm going to do."

Smiling so widely that my cheeks hurt, I cup Tutor's cheeks to peck his lips. Tutor grips the bottom of my shirt, rolling it over my head and throwing into the floor. Staring at my abdomen and chest, Tutor licks his lips in a way that has my cock hardening instantly. His lips trail over the muscular definitions of my chest; tongue flicking out to tease my nipples.

"Tor," I mewl, head falling back as he continues to tease me. My cock throbs in my jeans, desperate for friction. When I begin to roll my hips forward, Tutor catches on to what I'm silently begging for and starts to palm my erection. My eyes roll back when he tugs down my jeans and underwear, finally freeing my steel hard erection from its confinement.

"Fuck, I always forget how big you are," Tutor purrs, his hand wrapping around my shaft. "You always felt so good inside of me, baby. So good at making me feel so full."

Precum leaks from my tips at his lewd comments, and I begin thrusting into his hand. I need him so badly, I feel like I'm going to go crazy. Grabbing the front of his satin pants, I tear them open and drop to my knees. I press open-mouthed kisses to his clothed erection, running my tongue along the spot of precum that's begun to form on his boxers.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now