-21- 💋 If It's Real

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"If it's real, and if it's true, and if our love is wrong, then I don't ever wanna be right."
~Calum Scott, 'If Our Love Is Wrong'


*Fighter's POV*


I whip my head around at the sound of my lover screaming my name, and see him running down the hall towards me. The closer he gets, the clearer I can see the tears streaming down his cheeks, and fear grips my heart.

He slams into me, practically jumping into my arms as he wraps himself around me. I instinctively hug him back, despite the shock of hugging out in the open.

"T-Tor, someone might see us," I remind him, yet I don't attempt to pull away.

"I don't care!" He cries. "Let them see!"

His admittance for not caring who sees us scares me further, and I pick him up in my arms like a bride. Tutor buries his face in my neck, his tears falling on my skin. Moving quickly, I dash outside towards the cabin. Once we're safely locked inside, I carry him to the bed. I sit down with Tutor still in my lap, hugging me tightly.

"Baby, what is it?" I question, rubbing his back. "What happened? Talk to me."

"He knows," he sobs, his voice muffled. "He knows about us."

"Who knows?"

"My father."

My blood turns cold as my movements still. "H-How?"

Tutor shakes his head. "I don't know. But he does. And he's punishing us by forcing me to marry Hwa."

"What?!" I blurt out, making him flinch. "That... That can't happen. We'll figure something out. I'll get you out of this. I'm so sorry, Tutor, this is all my fault."

He sniffles, looking up at me with watery eyes. "How is this your fault?"

"I should've been more careful. Fuck, if I had controlled my urges then you wouldn't be forced to marry someone else!"

"No!" Tutor grips my chin tightly. "Don't say that. I don't regret a single moment of our relationship. If anyone is to blame, it's my father for not letting me love who I want. Don't ever think our relationship was a mistake. Do you understand me?"

I nod my head, yet I can't shake the guilt that's settling deep in my gut. I knew that if I got involved with Tutor, something bad could happen to him. While I was more scared of my own father, the king holds the power to hurt Tutor in other ways. And forcing him to marry someone he doesn't love with definitely hurt him.

"Let's run away together," Tutor suddenly proposes. "I can pack a bag of essentials only and we could run. You're fast enough, they won't catch us."

"Tor, think about what you're suggesting right now. You're talking about leaving the only family you have behind. Leaving your right to the throne. Your chance to rule the kingdom and make a difference. Do you really want that?"

"I want to be with you," he states confidently, gripping my shirt. "That's all that matters."

"Is it really?" I ask quietly. "Think about it. What's something you've always wanted to accomplish as king?"

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now