-30- 💋 Give My Life For You

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[A/N - warning: violence]

"You will be who you want to be. You can choose whatever heaven grants. As long as you can have your chance, I swear I'll give my life for you."
~Miss Saigon, 'I'd Give My Life For You'


*Fighter's POV*

"Hello, son."

Ice shoots through my veins when I hear the deep timbre of an all-too-familiar voice. A voice I haven't heard in years, and that I hoped to never hear again.

My head swivels as I look around the room, but he's nowhere in sight.

"Show yourself," I demand lowly, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. His dark chuckles echo through the room, fueling my growing rage. "I'm not playing your games!"

The air ripples as my father appears, shrouded by a floor-length cloak. He wears a smile on his face; one that contradicts the wickedness lurking behind his glowing ruby eyes.

"I didn't raise you to greet your own father in such a cold manner," he chuckles humorlessly.

"I stopped considering you my father long ago, Ruen," I spit out his name through clenched teeth.

Ruen's eyes gleam with amusement. "You've grown up well, Fighter. Strong, independent, handsome. You even found someone to love."

"You stay away from him!" I hiss furiously. The thought of my father going within 100 feet of Tutor makes my blood boil.

"You're a bit too late for that," Ruen casually walks around the room, inspecting everything with disdain. "You see, I had a little chat with your prince."

"You did what?" I whisper, hearing my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

"I thought I would do something nice for him. Give him a little heads up about what's to come. Then, the little ingrate decided to flip the script," he sighs in annoyance. "I kindly informed him that you would be completing the ritual soon, and he would die by your hand. By doing so, I gave him precious time to say goodbye to his family and friends. See? I'm not a bad guy."

My entire body is quaking with anger. My fists are clenched so tight that my fingernails are digging into my palm, causing blood to run between my fingers.

"The bastard took my kindness and threw it back in my face," Ruen scoffs and shakes his head. "Such a foolish thing to do. He seemed to believe he could spare your life by breaking up with you. But his attempts were futile, because I know you still love him. And now that you know he broke up with you to save your life, you love him even more. Am I right?"

"I'm going to kill you," I growl, the fury coursing through my body causing my voice to shake. "You dared to threaten Tutor?! And for what?! You cannot force me to complete the ritual. I would never hurt Tutor."

"You will," Ruen responds simply. "Because I know that, no matter how much you hate me, you still love your mother."

The shaking stops as I look at him in shock. "My mother? What does she have to do with this?"

"Do you honestly think I was your only parent that completed the ritual?" Ruen questions incredulously. "Your dear mother completed it too. Years before I met her, that is. She killed her first husband and became immortal. Good riddance to that abusive, alcoholic scum. The world is better without him anyway."

My stomach churns violently, and I fall to my knees. I think I'm going to be sick.

"You see, Fighter," Ruen kneels in front of me. "You may think vampires are monsters, but if you do, then you must acknowledge that your own mother is one of those monsters."

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now