-13- 💋 Hold You

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"So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you. And I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye. Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted, cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time."
~Meghan Trainor, 'Like I'm Gonna Lose You'


*Tutor's POV*

A contented sigh leaves my lips as Fighter trails his fingertips up and down my bare back. My head rests on his chest, legs tangled together as we bask in the afterglow.

Fighter's lips brush against the top of my head, making me smile as I snuggle against his chest.

"Are you still sore?" Fighter asks against my hair.

I lightly smack his chest. "Don't ask that. It's embarrassing," I scold with a grumble.

Chuckling, Fighter wraps his arms around me. "Okay, okay, I'll stop. Just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally hurt you."

Craning my neck, I look up at his beautiful face. "You didn't hurt me," I reassure with a smile. "I'm a bit sore, but nothing I can't handle."

Releasing a breath of relief, he presses a kiss to my forehead. "That's good to know. I was worried about losing control and hurting you. I am stronger than the average person, you know."

I hum, nuzzling my face into the side of his neck. "I'd love for you to display some of that strength for me sometime."

"Just say the word," Fighter promises, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing my palm. "Let's get you cleaned up."

He stands up, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me to the bathroom. Once the bath is filled with warm water, he gently sets me in the tub before climbing in behind me.

Every touch is gentle and loving as he assists in cleaning me. I hiss in pain when he slides his finger into my puffy hole, cleaning out his cum. Once he's satisfied with his work, I lean back against him and enjoy the feeling of taking a bath with him.

"Should I take this to mean you like me?" I venture a guess, grinning to myself.

Fighter laughs, wrapping his arms around my waist. "No," he says, and my eyes widen. "I love you."

My heart pounds erratically in my chest at the sudden confession. He... he loves me?

"I love you too," I confess with tears filling my eyes. "God, that feels so good to say out loud."

"I know what you mean," he chuckles, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

The bathroom falls into a comfortable silence as we soak in the warm water together, eyes closed and breathing even. Fighter kisses the side of my head, making me smile.

"Come on. We need to get you back to your room."

"Noooo," I whine, tightening my hold on him. "I don't want to leave you."

He chuckles softly, brushing my hair delicately. "It's only for a while. We'll be together again tomorrow night. Come, I'll carry you."

That lifts my spirits, and I sit up with a smile. I hiss slightly as pain rockets up my spine, and Fighter looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm okay," I wave him off. "I just need to take it slowly."

Fighter hops out of the bath before helping me out and setting me on the toilet. He wraps a fluffy towel around me, drying away every last drop of water. Gathering my clothing, he kneels at my feet to help me put on my pants and underwear. My heart flutters as Fighter takes care of me, making sure I don't have to move too much with my aching hips.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now