EXTRA 💋 SaiZon

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"Tonight, I want all of you tonight. Give me everything tonight. For all we know we might not get tomorrow. Let's do it tonight."
~Pitbull, 'Give Me Everything'


*Zon's POV*

I pace back and forth in my bedroom, waiting to hear something, anything, from Saifah. After Tutor ran out of his wedding, I tried to call Saifah, but kept getting voicemail. Now, I'm really worried something bad happened.

In the short time I've spent with Saifah, I've already begun to develop extremely deep feelings of him. It's terrifying how quickly I fell for another person, but now that I have, I know there's no going back. Saifah is it for me, and right now I'm shaking with worry that something bad happened to either him or Tutor.

A knock at my window startles me, nearly making me stumble to the ground. Regaining my balance, I scurry to the window and find Saifah staring back at me with a sad smile. My eyes widen, and I quickly open the window to let him climb into my room.

"Sai, what are you doing here?" I question worriedly. "Did something happen? Are you okay? Is Tutor okay?"

Saifah answers by wrapping his arms around my waist, lifting me up so my feet are dangling. My face burns from the embarrassment of how short I am, but I shove it down and hug him back. He buries his face in my neck as we embrace, and I feel my heart rate accelerating.

"Sai," I say again softly. "What's the matter?"

"I love you," he murmurs into my neck.

My breath hitches. "W-What?"

Pulling back, Saifah sets me down and gently cups my face. "A lot happened tonight that I can't discuss, because they aren't my secrets to tell. But I did see two people in love nearly lose each other completely, and it made me think of what I would do if I ever lost you. Zon... I would fall apart if something ever happened to you. I need you, more than you know. And that's when I realized... I'm in love with you."

"Are you..." I gulp, licking my lips. "Are you sure?"

Saifah furrows his brows. "Yes," he answers incredulously, as if offended that I would even question him.

"I mean... are you really sure? Completely positive that you love... me?"

His eyes soften as he grasps my lack of self-confidence. Knowing words aren't enough, Saifah leans down to meet my lips, conveying the depths of his feelings through a tender kiss. My eyes flutter shut as our lips dance together, coaxing out my tongue to meet with his.

Saifah wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer until my head is completely tilted back as he kisses me passionately. I moan into his mouth, gripping the back of his shirt. My pants tighten as our kiss grows more and more heated, and I find myself unconsciously pressing my hips against him.

Breaking the kiss, we catch our breath as Saifah presses his forehead against mine. His breath fans my warm cheek as our noses nuzzle together.

"Zon..." Saifah whispers, asking what both of us are too shy to say out loud. I nod my head, pushing myself up on my toes to meet his lips once more.

"Wait," I mumble against his lips. "Give me five minutes to wash up, okay?"

Saifah groans in frustration, pouting like an adorable puppy. I giggle, kissing his cheek before heading off to the bathroom. I try not to let my nerves get the best of me as I quickly shower and clean myself. The hot water helps relax my muscles, and I end up showering in record time. By the time I get back to my room, Saifah is sitting on the edge of my bed, bouncing his leg nervously. I smile, somehow comforted that he's just as nervous as I am.

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