-09- 💋 Running Round In Circles

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"My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you. I've been running round in circles in my mind. And it always seems that I'm following you, 'cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find."
~REO Speedwagon, 'Can't Fight This Feeling'


*Fighter's POV*

After finishing my work for the day, I hop in the shower and wash the day off of me. I make sure to thoroughly wash between my legs, a blush rising to my cheeks as I imagine all the possibilities of what's going to happen within the hour.

I know that meeting up with Tutor like this is reckless and stupid and can get me exiled from the kingdom, but I can't help it. Tutor is a drug that has seeped deep into my veins, unable to be removed.

And it is deliciously intoxicating.

Stepping out of the shower, I throw on a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt. I'm about to head out when there's a knock at my door only a second before it opens.

"What's the point of knocking if you're just going to walk in anyway?" I ask Saifah as he steps into my room.

"You're one to talk," he snorts, closing the door behind him.

"What do you need? I'm heading out."

"You're going to meet Tutor, aren't you," Saifah accuses, more of a statement than a question.

Saifah wasn't pleased to find out I revealed his supernatural abilities to Tutor. While he smiled and acted polite when Tutor asked him to heal Cosmo's leg, Saifah later grilled me on everything that happened.

Xan, on the other hand, remained silent. Yet, I could feel his quiet disapproval of my decision to introduce the prince into our dark world.

"Be careful, Fighter," Saifah cautions with a sigh. "If you get caught, there's only so much my dad can do to protect you. As for Tutor... who knows what kind of punishment he would receive?"

My blood turns cold. In my stupid pursuit for love, I selfishly forgot to think about how the king would punish Tutor if our relationship got out. I knew Tutor could be in danger if he knew about my world, but I still thought he would have the protection of the palace. If the king ever found out about us... would Tutor lose that protection?

"I'll keep that in mind," I mumble before pushing past him and heading towards the garden.

Each step feels heavy with guilt as I get closer and closer to the cabin. I made a promise to the king that I would stay away from his son... but I also made a vow to Tutor that I wouldn't run away anymore.

I'm fucked.

Taking a deep breath, I open the cabin door and step inside. The back bedroom door is open, where Tutor is patiently sitting on the edge of the bed, one leg crossed over the other. I'm immediately struck by how stunning this ethereal being is, and my worries slowly melt away from my mind.

"You're late," he comments with a raised brow.

I smirk, his pompous attitude always managing to bring out this side of me. "Am I now?"

"You kept me waiting for a while."

"I'm sorry, little prince," I smile, bending down to meet his eye level. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Tutor averts his gaze as he keeps his arms crossed in front of his chest. I lean in to kiss him, but he swiftly turns his head the other way. Softly chuckling, I kneel down in front of him.

"Don't be upset with me, Tor," I say, delighting in the way his cheeks flush at the nickname. "I'm here now. I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Eyes narrowed, Tutor finally turns his gaze back to me. "You better be early next time."

Smiling, I press a kiss to his forehead. "I'll show up an hour early just to make sure I'm never late again."

Sighing, he keeps his expression annoyed, not giving into my apology. I rub my nose against his cheek, nuzzling him until he finally cracks a smile.

"Fighter," Tutor grins while rolling his eyes, pressing his hands against my shoulders.

"Come on, let me make it up to you."

Tutor's grin turns sly as mischief gleams in his eyes. "Fine," he says before wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and drawing me to him.

A groan echoes low in my throat when our lips meet, and a fire erupts deep in my stomach. I crane my neck to deepen the kiss as Tutor runs his fingers through my hair.

Tutor bites my bottom lip, making me growl as I stand to my feet, taking him with me. He gasps as I wrap my hands under his thighs, forcing him to link his legs around my waist. Forcing is a stretch, actually, considering the playful smile on Tutor's face before he hungrily devours my mouth.

Pressing him against the wall, I give into the sweet temptation of his body on mine. Even as he is held in the air, Tutor manages to grind himself against me.

"Tor," I moan as he grinds against my hardening erection.

Dipping his head down, Tutor presses his pillowy lips against my neck, sending pleasurable tingles throughout my limbs.

I tilt my head back, happily granting him all the access he needs to roam the expanse of my throat. When his lips wrap around my Adam's apple, my hips buck up against him. Tutor smirks against my throat, pleased that he got what he wanted.

"You fucking tease," I growl, moving to reconnect our lips. Tutor tugs on my hair, forcing my head back as he evades my kiss. He seductively bites his lower lip, making me want to whimper with the need to claim that plump flesh as my own.

"You wanted to make it up to me, right?" Tutor checks. I nod my head earnestly, making him smile slyly. "Then make me cum."



We'll get sexy times in the next chapter, in Tutor's point of view cuz it's hawt

That Adam's apple kiss is my weakness. I swear, Tutor goes from being a prude to acting like the biggest tease in 0.02 seconds

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See you next time, you thirsty bitches!

See you next time, you thirsty bitches!-Gumbie

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