-24- 💋 Let You Go

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[A/N - Don't play the song until it says to in the story 💋]

"You know that I love you so, I love you enough to let you go. I want you to know that it doesn't matter where we take this road, someone's gotta go. And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better. But I want you to move on, so I'm already gone."
~Sleeping At Last, 'Already Gone'


*Tutor's POV*

I wake up with my nose smushed against Fighter's chest, his strong arms snuggly around me, and I immediately want to cry.

My plan to avoid Fighter until I worked up the courage to end things between us was ruined the moment he showed up in my room. My resolve crumbled, and I desperately needed to have him hold me one last time.

I keep trying to tell myself that there are other options, that I don't have to do this, but I know that's not true. As long as Fighter loves me, he'll be in danger. But if he no longer loves me, his father won't be able to force him to complete that dreadful ritual and become an immortal vampire.

I have to break his heart.

It's killing me inside, but I know it's the best way I can protect him. I hate that I have to hurt him like this, but if I can make it so he doesn't love me anymore, he'll be safe.

Tears sting in my eyes as I tighten my hold on him. If this is my last night with him, I'm going to make the most of every second. It's selfish, I know, but I can't seem to let him go just yet.

"How are you feeling?" Fighter asks, having felt me squirming around after I woke up. I raise my head, noticing the sky has darkened.

"Better," I lie with a small smile. "Thank you for being here with me."

"I'll always be with you," he pledges, his lips turning up in a smile. "You'd have to chase me away with an axe to make me leave."

I laugh humorlessly, lifting my head more so I can face him. Despite his joking tone, there's worry behind his eyes. I want to console him, to tell him everything is alright, but I can't be that cruel. I'm already hurting him enough by spending time with him, when I know what I'm going to do later.

"I know you said you're only stressed about the wedding, but I have a feeling there's more to it," Fighter says, making the guilt sink heavier in my stomach. "If you're not ready to talk about it, that's okay. Just know that I'm always here to listen to you. There isn't a problem that we can't solve together."

How I wish you were right about that, my love.

At a loss for words, I push myself closer to him and press our lips together. Fighter is quick to respond, moving his lips gently against mine. I need this. I need the memory of our love imprinted on my mind forever.

[A/N - Play the song for the rest of the chapter 💋]

I shift until I'm straddling him, cupping his face and deepening the kiss. Fighter's lips part as soon as I brush my tongue along his bottom lip, allowing me to roam his mouth. I take my time, memorizing how he feels and tastes.

Fighter groans beneath me, his cock already hardening from our slow kiss. Biting on his lower lip, I wordlessly give him permission to speed up, which he does with vigor. The kiss quickly becomes heated, our breath mingling as moans are pushed back and forth. My hands roam along his chest and sides, touching every inch of skin I can reach.

My hips roll forward as I grind against his erection, feeling myself growing harder by the second. Fighter cups my cheek, detaching our lips.

"Tor, we shouldn't do this here," Fighter whispers. "Someone might hear us."

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