-17- 💋 Play The Role

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"I like it when you take control, even if you know that you don't own me, I'll let you play the role. I'll be your animal."
~Billie Eilish, 'bad guy'


*Tutor's POV*

The weeks go by quickly, which isn't surprising as I've heard time passes quicker when you're happy.

And I'm so unbelievably happy.

Ever since Fighter opened up to me about his past, we've grown significantly closer. The trust between us has solidified, now that Fighter has trusted me with the heaviest burden of his past. I already knew he loves me, but it's a different feeling to know he actually trusts me enough to expose the biggest wounds on his heart.

My days now revolve around Fighter and our ever deepening relationship. While I still have my duties to attend to, Fighter preoccupies my thoughts constantly.

I've gotten scolded by Tee a few times for day dreaming, although he's thankfully unaware of who my thoughts are focused on. The entire day, I'm impatiently waiting for nightfall, when I can sneak to the cabin to meet Fighter. Whether we're making love, talking, or just holding each other, I fall deeper in love with him every night.

"Prince Tutor? Are you alright?" A feminine voice asks me. I snap out of my daze, refocusing on the girl seated across from me.

"Yes, my apologies," I offer a false smile. "You were saying?"

The girl beams and continues on, telling me about her latest obsession with Michelangelo's works. I nod along, appearing to be listening when I'm really tuning her out. It's become a habit of mine, ever since my father started forcing me to attend these dates.

Over the past several weeks, I've had scheduled meetings with 'potential' brides. Not that I plan on marrying any of them, but I've agreed to meet with them to appease my father as I try to concoct a way to stay with Fighter. I'm not giving him up, regardless of what my father says.

As for the women I've met, I've tried to be as courteous as possible, while dropping subtle hints that I'm not interested. I don't want to lead them on, but I also can't risk losing an alliance with their family. Throughout all of this, I still have my duties as the future king to make sure people like me and want to stay by my side once I ascend to the throne.

Although... being nice is proving to be a challenge today. The girl in front of me is nothing short of pretentious, flaunting her accomplishments as if that would give her a leg up on the 'competition'.

Keep dreaming, lady. You're missing an essential body part to even be considered 'competition'.

Her bleached golden hair is tied back, curls falling delicately around her shoulders. I'm sure she would have been naturally pretty, but it's hard to tell beneath the layers and layers of makeup. She keeps her hands in view at all times, showing off her perfectly manicured nails. I hold back an eye roll every time she bats her lashes at me, with her painted lips pulled into a smile.

"Who is your favorite composer?" She questions, not realizing that I don't have much interest in discussing these things with her. Without waiting for my answer, she continues on. "Mine is Vivaldi. His concertos are iconic."

I bite back a sigh as she rambles on about which sonatas provoke her deepest emotions. Unfortunately, we're sitting in the library of the palace, and there's not much for me to look at and distract myself with.

That is... until I glance out the window.

Fighter can be seen through the window, sun beating down on him as he chops firewood. My mouth goes dry as I watch him wipe away sweat from his forehead. Seeming to sense my stare, he turns and catches me watching him. He smirks, tilting his head to the side.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now