-14- 💋 Heavy Choice

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"Though the pressure's hard to take, it's the only way I can escape. It seems a heavy choice to make, but now I am under."
~Florence + The Machine, 'Never Let Me Go'


*Fighter's POV*

"Okay, are you ready?"

Tutor nods his head excitedly, tightening his arms around my neck. I adjust his position on my back, making sure he's comfortable and secure.

"Do you remember the safe word?"

The prince rolls his eyes. "This isn't the kind of situation where a safe word is typically required."

"We're using one anyway, or else we're not doing this," I firmly declare.

"Fine," Tutor sighs. "Butternut."

"Good," I nod my head, getting into stance. "Ready?"

"Yes!" He squeals, tightening his hold on me in anticipation. I chuckle before breaking into a sprint. Among the air whooshing around us, a hear Tutor yelp in surprise when I pick up speed.

The dark of night causes our surroundings to turn into a blur as we pass them by. I would have loved to take Tutor for a run during the day, when he could appreciate all the vibrant colors zooming around him, but that's not possible right now. The only time we're safe to meet is at night, usually in the cabin. We're able to be out in the garden tonight, mainly due to the fact that I'm quick enough to not be noticed by anyone that may be peering out a window.

I dash through the large garden, smiling at all the gasps and giggles the prince on my back releases. When I had promised Tutor that I would showcase my supernatural abilities, I didn't expect his reactions to be this adorable.

I slow to a stop, not wanting to run for too long and accidentally make him feel sick. This type of speed is an adjustment, even for vampire children. It takes us a while to get used to our own speed, so I can only imagine how difficult it would be for a human.

"How was that?" I ask, not even breaking a sweat after sprinting around the garden.

Tutor's smile is wide, hair messy from the wind. "That was incredible!" He cheers before remembering he needs to stay quiet. "Can we go again??"

"Maybe tomorrow," I chuckle. "I don't want you to get dizzy."

"I won't get dizzy," Tutor pouts.

I roll my eyes. "We'll see about that."

As soon as I set him back on his feet, he stumbles backwards with a yelp. I'm behind him in less than a second to catch him, and I smirk down at him.

"What was that about you not getting dizzy?" I tease, holding him up.

"Shut it," Tutor grumbles, yet still leans on me for support. He holds his arms out, and I smile at him.

"Jump," I command, and he hops into my arms, wrapping his legs around my waist. His arms wind around my neck as I hold under his thighs.

"So, we've covered super strength and speed," Tutor ticks as I carry him back to the cabin. "What's next?"

"What else do you wanna know?"

"Hold on," he suddenly says, looking at me with wide eyes. "You work in the sun all day." I nod my head. "How is that possible?"

"You're only wondering that now?" I chuckle, turning my head to the side. "See this earring? It's charmed to protect me. I can't get hurt by the sun."

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now