-08- 💋 Want You Bad

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"I've been thinking 'bout it all day. And I hope you feel the same way, yeah. 'Cause I want you bad. Yeah, I want you, baby."
~Niall Horan, 'Slow Hands'


*Tutor's POV*

Sitting at my desk, my fingers absentmindedly run through Cosmo's fur as I read. At least, as I try to read.

For the life of me, I cannot stop thinking about Fighter. The way he tasted on my tongue, the look on his face as he came undone before me... fuck, he's beautiful. It's been a few days since our time in the cabin, and I'm getting restless.

I need more.

I need him.

Eye fucking each other every time he passes me in the hallway isn't enough. Now that I've gotten a taste, I'm craving more.

Not that I would ever admit that to him.

Fighter pushed me away for years before finally giving into me. Why shouldn't I repay the favor by making him go crazy for me?

A knock at my door pulls me from my thoughts. Closing my book, I stand from my seat and straighten my clothes.

"Come in," I call out. The door opens, and I instantly relax when Fighter walks in.

"Is this a bad time?" Fighter asks with a smile that makes me melt inside.

I glance at my book, pretending to be busy. "Well... I guess I could make time for you," I grin slyly at him. "Did anyone see you coming here? We don't want someone to go running to my father."

"I've had to deal with hiding secrets for my entire life," Fighter points out. "I'm used to being discrete."

I hum, stepping closer to him. "And how many more secrets of yours do I have to uncover?"

"You already know all the necessary information," Fighter responds as he closes the gap between us. "The past is behind me and that's where I'd prefer to leave it."

I ponder that for a moment, giving Fighter the chance to place his hands on my hips. Looking up, I see a mischievous grin on his lips as he leans his head down. I turn my head to the side, avoiding his lips.

"Fight, not here," I pretend to whine, weakly pushing against his shoulders. Fighter presses his lips to my neck, sending shivers through my body. "Fight..."

"Tor," Fighter huskily whispers the nickname against my skin, sending a burst of fire through my veins. The nickname I used to hate now sends shivers of delight down my spine.

I tilt my head back, relishing the feeling of Fighter's lips pressing heated kisses across my skin. My hands are no longer pushing against his shoulder, but rather clutching his shirt and keeping him close. Fighter slides his hands from my hips to my ass, grabbing roughly and yanking my pelvis to his.

"Fuck," a whispered moan escapes me as my eyes flutter shut.

Fighter's kisses grow rougher and harder as he nips at my skin. I lightly shake his shoulder.

"Fight, don't leave any marks," I warn him, but he doesn't let up. His teeth graze against the hollow of my throat, making me gulp. "Fighter..."

My body becomes cold and I open my eyes to see Fighter on the other side of the room, panting hard. His back is to me, a hand brought up to cover his mouth.

"Fighter? What is it?" I ask as I walk over to him. He flinches when I reach for him, furthering my confusion. "Look at me."

Slowly, Fighter turns around to face me. His eyes remain shut as he keeps his hand over his mouth. Cupping his cheeks with my hands, I lean in close and nuzzle his nose.

Crave Me, Taste Me [FighterTutor 18+]Where stories live. Discover now