Rose: Part 2

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(Edited to fit the new storyline, friends to lovers.)

"Here, take this." The Doctor hands {Y/N} a bottle of champagne as the two walk into a pizza restaurant.

"Uh, ok... can I drink it." {Y/N} asks seriously.

"What? No, it's not for you." The Doctor says as he looks around the restaurant.

"Shame I thought you found me a date." {Y/N} grumbles sadly. The Doctor looks down at her with furrowed brows, confusion written across his face.

"Date? What do you mean date, why do you want a date?" He asks.

"I've been with you for 664 years. Did you not think at some point I would like to have a relationship?" {Y/N} laughs as she looks around the restaurant, unaware of the Doctor's conflicted expression. 

"You don't see me complaining." The Doctor grumbles. He didn't understand why, but he got a weird feeling whenever he thought of her with someone else. A feeling he couldn't describe.

"Oh, of course not. You get enough action with the amount of strangers you make out with regularly." {Y/N} sasses. Although deep down she couldn't explain the weird feeling in her gut when she remembers the Doctor's encounters, it had been happening for years but she just didn't understand why it bothered her.

The Doctor looks at her outraged. "I-I do not-"

"There." {Y/N} interrupts. "Over there." She points out, noticing Rose sat at a table with an Auton across from her. The Doctor slowly turns his gaze away from {Y/N} and looks towards the table she was pointing at. {Y/N} looks down at the bottle of champagne in her hands before looking at the table in realization. "Oooh, I get it. I know what to do."

The Doctor shoots his head towards her before flicking his gaze between the table and {Y/N} as she starts walking over. "No-wait, {Y/N} wait!" The Doctor whispers. "Bloody idiot. Did she get the rest of the plan? No of course not 'cause she never listens."

"Your champagne." {Y/N} states as she presents the bottle to the man. The Auton raises its hand.

"We didn't order any champagne. Where's the Doctor and Luna?" {Y/N} looks down at him in annoyance before moving to stand beside Rose.

"Your champagne." {Y/N} repeats.

"It's not ours. Mickey, what is it? What's wrong?" Rose asks concerned. {Y/N} watches the two carefully while the Doctor approaches the table too. 

"I need to find out how much you know, so where are they?" The Auton asks.

"Doesn't anybody want this champagne?" {Y/N} asks, trying to catch the Auton's attention. 

The Auton's face twitches in irritation at the constant interruption. "Look, we didn't order it-" Looking up angrily he notices {Y/N} and the Doctor stood before him. The Auton smiles, "Ah. Gotcha." {Y/N} smiles as she shakes the champagne bottle.

"Sorry, don't mind me. I just want to toast the happy couple. Here it's on the house!" {Y/N} pops the cork in the direction of the Auton, causing it to sink into its forehead. {Y/N} and the Doctor watch in surprise as the Auton looks them in the eye and spits the cork out, smirking. "Right...I did not expect that. Why didn't you mention that?"

"Well...I didn't expect it either." The Doctor states.

"Anyway." The Auton stands abruptly, turning its hand into a paddle. Rose's eyes widen as she quickly leaves the table, leaving {Y/N} and the Doctor with the Auton. It smacks the paddle hand down on the table, breaking it in half. The Doctor moves around {Y/N} and quickly pulls the Auton's head off. 

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