The Girl In The Fireplace: Part 1

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Screams echo through the halls as guests run from the threat terrorising the mansion.

"We are under attack. There are creatures. I don't even think they're human. We can't stop them." King Louis XV said as he enters her room.

"The clock is broken. They are coming." Madame de Pompadour states as she stares at the clock on her fireplace.

"Did you hear what I said?" King Louis XV says, the sounds of shrieking echoing throughout the hauls.

"Listen to me. There are people coming to Versailles. They have watched over me my whole life and they will not desert me tonight." Madame de Pompadour explains.

"What are you talking about? What people?"

"The only people, save you, I have ever deeply cared for. No, don't look like that, there's no time. You have your duties. I am your mistress, go to your Queen." With a final glance, Madame de Pompadour turns from the King and kneels before her fireplace. "Are you there? Can you hear me? I need you now, you promised. The clock on the mantle is broken! It is time! Doctor! {Y/N}!"



The four walk out of the TARDIS in wonder as they look around the ship. "It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go!" Mickey says excitedly. The area was rather barren and quiet, with bits and pieces of metal and cables scattered around.

"It looks kind of abandoned. Anyone on board?" Rose asks.

"Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous. Well, not that dangerous." The Doctor says as he glances around. Turning to {Y/N} he notices her watching him with her arms crossed, a smile gracing her face. "You know what, I'll just have a quick scan, in case there's anything dangerous." {Y/N} nods in agreement before looking over the mess of wires on a control panel.

"So, what's the date? How far we gone?" Rose asks curiously.

"By the looks of things, around three thousand years into your future." {Y/N} glances at the Doctor before muttering. "Give or take a few of course." Rose laughs in amusement causing the Doctor's head to whip around at the two.


"It's nothing. So, are we safe?" She teases as he wraps an arm around her.

"Yes, nothing around." {Y/N} notices a switch slightly hidden in the controls and flips it up.

The console springs to life while also pulling back the shutter on the roof of the ship, revealing the stars and galaxies. "Fifty-first century. Dagmar Cluster, you're a long way from home, Mickey. Two and a half galaxies." The Doctor says as he looks over the console while Mickey stares up in amazement.

"Mickey Smith, meet the universe. See anything you like?" Rose smiles.

"It's so realistic!"

{Y/N} watches the two with a fond smile as she messes with some wires beside the Doctor. "Dear me, had some cowboys in here." The Doctor says as he holds onto scraps of material.

"Whoever was here had a ton of repair work going on." {Y/N} says. "And look..." She gestures to a monitor. "All of the warp engines are on, at full capacity." Mickey and Rose approach the two and look over the monitor curiously.

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