Boom Town: Part 1

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(Edited to fit the new storyline, friends to lovers.)

~6 Months after the battle with the Slitheen~

"I've checked the figures, I've checked them again and again. Always the same result. The design is not safe. It could result in the death of millions. I beg of you, stop this project right now before it's too late."

"Well...goodness me. Obviously, Mr. Cleaver, you're the expert." A woman states.

"Then you'll stop it?"

 "It seems I have no choice." The woman sighs, her stomach making a gurgling noise. " excuse me. Civic duties leave little time for a sandwich."

"But you promise you'll stop it today?"

"Well, of course. Nothing is more important than human life."  She states. The man looking at her in confusion at her wording. "What do you take me for, some sort of maniac?" She chuckles.

"Why, no."

"Am I right in thinking you've shown your results only to me?" She checks.

"Just to you, no one else."

"Wise move." She smiles.

"This is such a weight off my mind." The man states, removing his glasses to wipe at his eyes. "I've barely slept. I couldn't believe my own readings. The scale of it...destruction like the British Isles has never seen before." The man cleans his glasses, facing out of the room. Unaware of the flashing light behind him. "If I didn't know better, I'd almost think that someone wanted this project to go wrong, as though they intended this city should be wiped off the map." He states as he looks at the model in the room before him. Slowly he places his glasses back on. "Thank goodness we've got you, our esteemed leader."

Turning he comes face to face with a long, clawed, green arm. His screams echo around the room as the figure towers over him.


{Y/N} stood at the console, chatting to Jack and Rose while the Doctor was on a ladder fiddling with part of the ship. "Rose? You said Mickey was coming to drop off something? Any idea when he will arrive?" A knock on the TARDIS doors halts the conversation.

"Who the hell are you?" Jack asks as he opens the TARDIS door. "Captain Jack Harkness. Whatever your selling, we're not buying." As Jack goes to close the door Mickey pushes his way inside. "Don't tell me. This must be Mickey."

"Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Ricky boy?" The Doctor shouts, {Y/N} smiling at the Doctor's teasing.

"It's Mickey!"

"I told you last time, just ignore him." {Y/N} laughs.

"He's winding you up." Rose smiles brightly. Mickey looks at her and smiles as they embrace.

"You look fantastic."

Jack stands beside {Y/N} as she fiddles with the console. "Aw, sweet, look at these two. How come I never get any of that?"

"Buy me a drink first." The Doctor jokes.

"You're such hard work."

"But he is worth it." {Y/N} laughs. "Sometimes, other times he's an ass." The Doctor looks at her in offense, only receiving a cheeky smile in return. 

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