Fathers Day: Part 2

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(Edited to fit the new storyline, friends to lovers.)

They soon make it to the church and see Rose standing outside. "Rose! Get in the church." The Doctor shouts as he runs down the street, {Y/N} not far behind. Rose looks towards the two, noticing a large creature with bat-like wings appear in the sky.

Hissing as it swoops down at her. Rose screams as the Doctor sprints forward, tackling her down just in time to avoid the creature's talons. The direction the creature swept at Rose was now heading in {Y/N}'s direction, as it nears she drops to the floor mid-sprint causing her to slide along the pavement. Her jacket bunches up under her body causing her skin to scrape along the sidewalk. 

"Oh, that's defiantly going to bruise." {Y/N} winces in pain.

"Get in the church!" The Doctor shouts as he helps {Y/N} up. He continues to yell at the other guests, when two more bat-like creatures appear in the sky.

"Oh, my God. What are they? What are they?"

"Inside!" The Doctor shouts as people try to leave the church.

"Sarah!" A man yells as he goes to run out of the church.

"Stay in there!" A male tries to run but gets pounced on by one of the creatures. The bride goes to run into the church but is stopped by another bat-like creature, she screams causing it to fly away from her and attack the priest instead.

"In!" The Doctor shouts, pushing everyone inside while holding onto {Y/N} tightly. As the creatures go to fly into the church the Doctor shuts the doors, preventing them.

The Doctor looks down at {Y/N}, concerned. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." She winces as she straightens her posture. "Just going to have a nasty bruise tomorrow." She smiles. The Doctor smiles at her before looking around the church.

"They can't get in. Old windows and doors. Okay. The older something is, the stronger it is. What else?" The Doctor says while walking down the aisle to the front of the church. "Go and check the other doors! Move!" The Doctor says to some of the guests while he checks the side door.

"What's happening? What are they? What are they?" Jackie asks, walking up to {Y/N}.

"It's...it's an accident in time. Like a wound. Think of them as bacteria, that are trying to enter the wound. To feed from it." {Y/N} winces in discomfort as she explains, holding a hand against her stinging skin.

"What do you mean, time? What're you jabbering on about, time?"

"Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining." The Doctor says as he walks up to {Y/N}, who was now looking over the areas that she skidded on.

"How do you know my name?"

"We haven't got time for this." The Doctor sighs.

"I've never met you in my life!" Jackie talks over him.

"No, and you never will unless we sort this out. Now, if you don't mind, I've waited a long time to say this. Jackie Tyler, do as I say. Go and check the doors." The Doctor projects his voice, capturing {Y/N}'s attention.

"Yes, sir." Jacky huffs as she walks away.

"I should have done that ages ago." He smiles, looking at {Y/N} who laughs lightly before brushing some gravel off her injured side. "Let me see." The Doctor asks, moving her jacket to the side to look at the scrape. As he moves the jacket his eyes catch sight of a red scar peaking from the side of her shirt. "Nothing major, just a bit of skin." He smiles, moving the jacket back. The image of the scar circling his thoughts.

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