Dalek: Part 2

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(Edited to fit the new storyline, friends to lovers.)

"I repeat, this is not a drill!" {Y/N} tiredly opens her eyes. Her ears were ringing, making her unable to hear the Doctor shout as he attempts to escape his restraints. 

"Release us if you want to live." The Doctor says seriously. The guard looks between the two unsure, battling with the decision of trusting them or not. 

"Please...help us." {Y/N} groans, her muscles burning. "It...it will get here and kill us all." The guard sighs and nervously frees the Doctor from his restraints. After putting on his shirt he rushes to {Y/N}'s side. Lifting her head into his hands he looks over her face in concern.

"Doctor, analyze me later." {Y/N} sighs. "These cuffs are pinching my wrists." The Doctor releases her from the restraints and wraps his hands around her waist to prevent her from crashing to the floor. After making sure {Y/N} was stable on her feet the two rush to the offices.


"You've got to keep it in that cell." The Doctor says as the two enter the room.

"Doctor, it's all my fault." Rose says over a video camera. The Doctor removes his hand from around {Y/N} as he approaches the computer.

"I've sealed the compartment. It can't get out, that locks got a billion combinations."

"A Dalek's a genius. It can calculate a thousand billion combinations in one second flat." The Doctor says angrily.

"Open fire!"

"Don't shoot it! I want it unharmed." Henry shouts.

"Rose, get out of there!" The Doctor orders.

"We're losing power. It's draining the base. Oh, my God. It's draining entire power supplies for the whole of Utah." Goddard says in shock. The Dalek uses its plunger to absorb the electrics, simultaneously downloading information and repairing itself.

"It's downloading...it will repair itself. So it can be stronger." {Y/N} mutters as she leans against the wall uncomfortably.

"Downloading what?" Henry wonders.

"Sir, the entire West Coast has gone down."

"It won't just take energy... it will look through the entire web. It will learn...everything." {Y/N} says shakily. She groans as she bends forward in pain, it felt as though her muscles were being pulled apart in her chest. 

"{Y/N}? What's wrong?" Kneeling before her he gently places his hands on the side of her face and on her pulse point. "Your heart rate is extremely fast and you're burning up." He mutters as he moves her hair from her face. "I will get you out of here, you and Rose." {Y/N} nods shakily, closing her eyes tight as she wills her hearts to slow down. "Good, now your going to need to calm down a bit or your hearts might burst out of your chest." He laughs lightly. "Deep breaths in and out. Go on." {Y/N} listens to his words and follows his instructions as she tries to lower her heart rate.

Henry watches the two with a smug smile. He chuckles slightly, catching the Doctor's attention. "Whatever your stupid machine has done to her I will make sure happens to you 10 times worse." The Doctor threatens. 

"The cameras in the vault have gone down." Goddard says, directing the group's attention to the monitors. 

"You will only have emergency power left...it will have taken everything else." {Y/N} says as she shakily walks towards the monitors.

"You've got to kill it now!" The Doctor demands.

"All guards to converge in the Metaltron cage, immediately." Goddard instructs.

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