Rose: Part 1

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On planet Earth, in the city of London, resided an ordinary apartment within the Powell Estate.

At 07:30 AM a morning alarm sounds, waking a blond-haired female from her slumber. Bustling about the apartment, the blond woman grabs her bag and keys before kissing her mum as she leaves for work. 

The streets of London were always flooded with people. The roads littered with buses and cars as people make their way to work. A city that was always flooded with life, in more ways than one. 

Hopping off the bus, the blond woman makes her way to her job at Henrik's, a repetitive job consisting of stacking shelves and changing stock. The same things she did every day of her life.

Later in the day, the blond woman was on her lunch break with her boyfriend Mickey. The two sitting at their usual spot beside the fountain in the center of town. Their usual routine that circled on the repetitive cycle of the blond's life. 

As the hours tick by, the blond woman watches the hands of the clock tick closer to closing time. Just as she did every day. A repetitive cycle of her life.


The blond woman excites the elevator, eager to get out of work for the night now that her shift had ended. "Wilson? Wilson, I have got the lottery money." The woman calls. "Wilson, are you there? I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop. Wilson! Oh, come on." A loud clatter echoes down the hall, causing the woman to turn around with a raised brow.

"Hello? Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Hello? Wilson?" Rose walks towards the storeroom, pushing the heavy door open while she flicks the lights on. Looking around at all the boxes and dressed dummies she attempts to locate the male. "Wilson? Wilson!" As Rose walks further into the storeroom the door suddenly slams shut behind her. Rose tries to open the door but to no avail. "You're kidding me." Something clatters to the ground nearby, startling her. "Is that someone mucking about? Who is it?"

A close by dummy turns its head and starts slowly moving towards her. "Yeah, you got me. Very funny." Rose says hesitantly. Just as the first, a second then a third dummy also moves towards her. "Right, I've got the joke. Whose idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is this you?" Rose asks nervously as the three dummies get closer to Rose. As she gets backed against a wall more dummies join the three. Trapping her. 

One of the dummies before her raises its arm, Rose looks up in fear when she suddenly feels something warm wrap around her wrist. Turning her head sharply she notices a {H/C} haired woman beside her.

"Quickly, come with me." Rose looks at the woman in shock as she's dragged through the basement while the plastic dummies chase after them. Quickly, the mysterious woman pulls Rose into the elevator. 

Just as the elevator doors close a dummy pokes its arm in the gap, preventing the doors from fully shutting. "Well, that's unexpected." The woman says. Grabbing the arm she pulls on it until it pops from the socket, finally allowing the doors to close.

"Y-you pulled his arm off?" Rose says shocked. The woman turns to Rose and smiles slightly as she looks over the detached arm.

"It's okay, it's plastic. No harm done."

"Very clever. Nice trick! Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?" Rose asks, crossing her arms.

"Why would they be students?" The woman asks confused.

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