The Christmas Invasion: Part 1

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The TARDIS materializes in Earth, London. The ship flies with no control, crashing into apartment complexes and a post van before finally landing after crashing into some nearby bins.

The TARDIS doors open, the Doctor sticking his head out in curiosity before smiling as he pants lightly. "Here we are then, London. Earth. The Solar System. I did it!" The Doctor tumbles out the door before stopping in front of two people. "Jackie. Mickey. Blimey!" He smiles happily.

The TARDIS doors open again. {Y/N} shakily walks out, a blush coating her cheeks. "{Y/N} look, you remember Mickey and Jackie, yeah!" The Doctor says as he grabs ahold of her hand, tugging her closer. {Y/N} yelps as she is spun into the Doctor's embrace. "And you must remember her of course, look at her." He smiles excitedly as he looks back at Mickey and Jackie. The two look at {Y/N} in confusion.

The Doctor wraps his arms around {Y/N}'s waist and smiles like a happy puppy as he places a kiss on her neck causing her to blush harder. "No, no, no, no, hold on. Wait there. I've got something to say." The Doctor says as he pushes {Y/N} aside, causing her to stumble on her feet. "There was something I had to tell you, something important. What was it? No, hold on, hold on. Hold on, shush, shush, shush, shush. Oh, I know!" He shouts, breathing heavily. "Merry Christmas!"

The Doctor suddenly drops to the floor, Mickey luckily catching him before he slammed into the concrete. The TARDIS doors open for the third time, revealing a disheveled Rose. {Y/N} kneels before the Doctor, moving his head onto her lap.

"What happened? Is he, all right?" Rose asks when she notices the Doctor on the floor. {Y/N} nods, sighing lightly as she strokes his cheek.

"It's normal, but he seems a bit more hyper than usual."

"But who is he? Where's the Doctor?" Mickey asks confused as he looks up at Rose.

"That's him, right in front of you. That's the Doctor." Rose says sadly.

"What do you mean, that's the Doctor? Doctor who?" Jackie asks confused.


{Y/N} sits beside the Doctor, who had been dressed in spare pajamas and placed in a bed at the Tyler apartment. Rose stands beside them biting her nail anxiously as {Y/N} strokes his hand.

"Here we go." Jackie says as she walks into the room with a stethoscope. "Tina the cleaner's got this lodger, a medical student, and she was fast asleep, so I just took it. Though I still say we should take him to hospital."

Rose takes the stethoscope nervously.

"We can't. They'd lock him up. They'd dissect him. One bottle of either of their blood could change the future of the human race. Now, shush!" Rose says as she moves the stethoscope, listening to either side of the Doctors chest. {Y/N} smiles slightly at her concern, but there was no need it was all just part of the process.

"Both working." Rose sighs in relief as she moves back.

"What do you mean, both?" Jackie's questions confused.

"Well, they've got two hearts." She says gesturing towards the Doctor and {Y/N}.

"Oh, don't be stupid."

"They have." Rose says as she walks off.

"Anything else he's got two of?" Jackie wonders looking at the Doctor curiously.

"Can't wait to find out..." {Y/N} mutters with a cheeky smile.

"Leave them alone, mum." Rose says from the doorway, Jackie sighs as she goes leaving {Y/N} to watch over him. The Doctor takes in a deep breath before exhaling softly, blowing out some regeneration energy. {Y/N} watches as the golden energy floats out the room with a smile.

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